Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms. Microbiology encompasses numerous sub-disciplines including virology, mycology, parasitology, and bacteriology.
Joakim Bjerketorp
joakim.bjerketorp@slu.se Since 2021, I have been a researcher at the Department of Animal Biosciences, SLU, in a university-industry collaboration funded by Intervacc AB (https://intervacc.se/en/
Göran Ericsson
internkommunikation@slu.se Dean of the Faculty of Forest Sciences. Department Chair and Chaired Professor in Wildlife Ecology. My tenured professorship focuses on three main topics; plant-animal

High-yielding rice that greatly reduces methane emissions has been developed at SLU
Rice is a staple food for half the world's population, but its cultivation leads to significant emissions of the greenhouse gas methane. Now, researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural

Nanoparticles damage coronavirus in an unexpected way, paving the way for new disinfection technology
A new way to neutralise the coronavirus and other membrane-surrounded viruses has been discovered by researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the University of Tartu.

Gene-silencing spray to combat cereal disease is safe for the environment
Great hopes are placed on a new way to combat plant diseases, using RNA to turn off genes that the pathogen needs to initiate the attack. Now, researchers from SLU and the James Hutton Institute have
Martine E. Fischbach
martine.fischbach@slu.se I am a PhD-student in the research group Anaerobic Microbial Biotechnology (AMB) at the Department of Molecular Sciences at SLU, campus Ultuna in Uppsala. In my research

Adding wheat bran to bread makes it more nutritious but also makes bread dense and unappealing. New research from SLU is about to change that. By altering the fibre structure, the quality of bread
Diss Solja Pietiäinen
Modification of wheat bran arabinoxylan extracts for functional properties in breadmaking charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Solja Pietiäinen defends her thesis "Modification of wheat bran arabinoxylan
Galia Zamaratskaia
galia.zamaratskaia@slu.se External Collaboration Specialist in Food Quality I graduated as a Biologist (Samara University, 1993) and obtained a PhD in Food Sciences at Swedish University of

Wastewater reveals increased usage of sweeteners
Analysing wastewater can reveal the usage of artificial sweeteners. A newly published study shows their consumption patterns in several Swedish cities. Researchers recently published a study showing
The effects of climate change on lake Mälaren
vattenmiljo-webb@slu.se Please see the Swedish version of this page for more information about the programme and how to sign-up. Mälarens vattenvårdsförbund Stockholm and online Elin Ångman,

Now it's time to collect samples
Because mussels filter water when they feed, algae are part of their diet. This makes mussels very interesting for learning more about toxic algal blooms. That's why scientists are now taking samples