Goods reception VHC

Last changed: 21 January 2025

Goods reception at the VHC is managed by Service VHC and is located at the north-eastern section of the entrance level of building 4.

Special mail:

If you need to send a package or examination papers:

We engage a delivery service company - Cargo Logistics Express (CLX).

If you are the recipient for a package or examination papers, goods reception staff will contact you once the items have arrived in the building. You can then pick up your delivery at the goods reception.

Ordinary mail:

Is handled by SLU's ordinary postal service function. If your package is not too heavy or bulky they can be picked up/left at the departments normal place for postal services.
More information about postal taxes you can find at the staff web site for Postal Services.

If you have any further questions about goods, please contact your colleagues at the goods reception.


Service VHC:
Phone: 018-67 30 20

Goods reception VHC: Tel: 018-67 30 20

Opening hours:
Mon-Thur: 07:30-16:00
Fri: 07:30-15:00

Delivery address/ Street address:
VHC Goods reception
Almas allé 4C 756 51 Uppsala

GPS:  N 59°48'54   Ö 17°39'25

Postal address: Box 7045