How to get to us in VHC

Last changed: 10 March 2025

The VHC - Centre for Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science is located in the south of Uppsala on the Ultuna campus.

From the E4, follow Kungsängsleden, signposted "Uppsala södra". Follow the signs for Ultuna and turn left at the junction with Dag Hammarskölds väg. Follow this south and turn left at the roundabout towards Ultuna.


VHC main entrance
Ulls väg 26
GPS: N 59°48'53, E 17°39'30
VHC goods reception
Almas allé 4c
GPS: N 59°48'54, E 17°39'25
University Animal Hospital, entrance to small animal clinic
Ultunaallén 5a
GPS: N 59°48'49, E 17°39'24
University Animal Hospital, entrance to horse clinic
Ultunaallén 3c
GPS: N 59°48'50   E 17°39'19
University Animal Hospital, emergency reception for horse clinic
Ultunaallén 3d
GPS: N 59°48'51, E 17°39'20


Map over parking available at Campus Ultuna.


Reception VHC: 
Tel: 018-67 30 10

Reception at UDS Small Animal Clinic:
Tel: 018-67 26 80

Reception at UDS Horse Clinic:
Tel: 018-67 29 50  

Goods reception VHC: Tel: 018-67 30 20

Opening hours:
Mon-Thur: 07:30-16:00
Fri: 07:30-15:00

Delivery address/ Street address:
VHC Goods reception
Almas allé 4C 756 51 Uppsala

GPS:  N 59°48'54   Ö 17°39'25

Postal address: Box 7045