Thursday, 23 January
Seminar: Combining organic farming and habitat preservation to promote biodiversity and multifunctionality
Please be welcome to the first Crop Production Ecology seminar of the year. We will meet 23 Janua... -
Monday, 05 May to Friday, 13 JuneUppsala
Statistics IV: Generalized Linear Models, 4 hp
The Ph. D. course will be given in Uppsala, 5 May - 13 Jun 2025 -
Tuesday, 04 March
SILVA Workshop: Navigating funding landscapes – Identifying funding opportunities and writing competitive research proposals
Among the many skills required to become a successful researcher, you need to both be able to... -
Thursday, 20 February
SILVA Webinar: Career development for early-career researchers - Identifying career opportunities and skills for achieving your career goals
Life as a PhD student is often extremely busy, leaving little space for thinking about what comes... -
Monday, 12 May to Friday, 23 May
SILVA PhD course: Ecology and Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystems
The course takes up theories in forest ecology and management and current state of the art resear... -
Friday, 10 JanuaryDissertations Uppsala
Boar feeding grounds How wild boar populations affect localised landscapes and ecosystems
Evelina Augustsson defends her thesis "Boar feeding grounds How wild boar populations affect... -
Monday, 02 June to Thursday, 05 June
14th Conference of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology
The 14th European Conference of Plant Pathology, will take place on 3-5 June 2025 in Uppsala, and... -
Thursday, 13 MarchUppsala
Phasing out fossil fuels in agriculture
Welcome to a panel discussion that explores the possibilities of phasing out fossil fuels in... -
Monday, 27 January
Food and Cities research funding workshop
Horizon Europe is a major funder of research in Europe. Soon, a call on Creating Urban Co-Creatio... -
Tuesday, 20 May
The One Health Breakfast Club #26: Sustainable tomato production in Tanzania: a strategy to reduce pesticides impact on human health and the environment
Welcome to the One Health Breakfast Club 20 May between 8.00 and 9.00. You get a short... -
Tuesday, 08 April
The One Health Breakfast Club #25: Reforestation for ecosystem function, human health, and livelihoods
Welcome to the One Health Breakfast Club 8 April between 8.00 and 9.00. You get a short... -
Tuesday, 11 March
The One Health Breakfast Club #24: Forest restoration for health & well-being: Evidence from South Asia
Welcome to the One Health Breakfast Club 11 March between 8.00 and 9.00. You get a short... -
Tuesday, 04 February
The One Health Breakfast Club #23: Hormone disruptors and reproductive health
Welcome to the One Health Breakfast Club 4 February between 8.00 and 9.00. You get a short... -
Tuesday, 14 JanuaryDissertations Uppsala
More nitrogen to the crop! : to increase the nitrogen fertiliser value of cattle slurry and reduce its ammonia emissions
Karin Andersson defends her thesis "More nitrogen to the crop! : to increase the nitrogen... -
Friday, 24 January
Webinar: Urban Healthscapes in Climate Change Emergencies
On January 24th, the webinar series Urban Health and Climate Conversations unite for a unique... -
Monday, 26 May to Tuesday, 27 May
Animal Welfare Science Symposium 2025
Welcome to the 8th Annual Animal Welfare Science Symposium, 26–27 May 2025. The aim of the... -
Monday, 03 March to Friday, 04 AprilUppsala
Statistics III: Regression Analysis, 4HP
The Ph. D. course will be given in Uppsala, 3 Mar - 4 Apr 2025. -
Friday, 17 October to Sunday, 19 October
Workshop – Get inspired and develop your fungal education skills
Welcome to the workshop 17-19 October 2025! Get inspired and develop your fungal pedagogy with... -
Thursday, 23 January
Focus on Forests II: Interdisciplinary Networking for Early Career Researchers
Workshop for early-career researchers, focused on facilitating networking with other researchers,... -
Saturday, 04 OctoberUppsala
Doctoral award ceremony 2025
The doctoral award ceremony will take place on Saturday 4 October. -
Thursday, 08 May to Friday, 09 MayUppsala
Professorial inauguration - lectures
Friday 9 May 10 new professors will be inaugurated at SLU Ultuna. Lectures by the professors will... -
Thursday, 13 February
Urban Forests: Investigating the citizens’ views and perceptions about the urban forest infrastructure and services
Welcome to the first Urban Forests webinar of 2025. This time, we welcome Veronika Andrea, lectur... -
Wednesday, 29 January
The call for the Interdisciplinary Academy – Q&A session and match making
Welcome to a lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplinary Academy (ID... -
Wednesday, 05 FebruaryDepartment of Molecular Sciences
The Interdiscliplinary Academy - Inspirational webinar
Welcome to an inspirational lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplin... -
Wednesday, 22 January
MAW and MMA calls in connection to WIFORCE
Following Knut and Alice Wallenberg’s impressive investment in fundamental research in natural...