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The VH Faculty's strategy work

VH Faculty strategi 2021-2025

Natural resources, habitats and living habits are shared by humans and animals. The need for long-term interdisciplinary research efforts to understand the interaction between animal and human health is becoming increasingly important, as well as research on the role of food-producing animals in future sustainable food systems.

Animal science and veterinary medicine will contribute important science-based knowledge and education in the transition to sustainable living and sustainable food production and contribute to achieving SLU's strategic goals.

The faculty prioritises the following strategic research areas - Systemic perspective on the circular food system, the One Health perspective, Digitalisation and One SLU.

VH Faculty's strategy

Strategically prioritised areas

Systemic perspective on the circular food system

The faculty invests in long-term, interdisciplinary research for the development of circular food systems where animals, humans and the environment interact and the One Health perspective is central.

With a transdisciplinary approach, the SustAinimal collaborative centre will increase knowledge about the role of food-producing animals in future sustainable food production and Swedish agriculture.

The faculty's interdisciplinary collaboration with Uppsala University is expanded through long-term investments in the Uppsala Diabetes Center and the Uppsala Antibiotic Center.

One Health

The collaboration between various scientific disciplines and a One Health approach is central to the faculty.

The faculty invests in comparative, interdisciplinary and translational research on diseases shared by humans and animals, on research on antimicrobial resistance and on food safety.

The faculty is also developing the future platform SLU Future One Health to meet challenges in all these areas.


Digitalisation offers the faculty's subject areas new research perspectives, from bioinformatics at the molecular level to automated systems and analysis of large amounts of data on farms.

The faculty shall ensure access to data from i.e. Basreg, the Gigacow project and NAVEDA.

The faculty encourages research projects that promote digital development of animal husbandry, animal welfare and food safety, infection tracing and the profitability of agriculture. The same digital tools are used in teaching that students can expect to use in their future careers.


The faculty works inclusively and benefits from the fact that we are located throughout the country. New digital skills make it easier to create equal conditions. Competence, cooperation and collaboration, gender equality and equal treatment are fundamental to make the VH Faculty successful.

The research facilities are unique research and teaching platforms and shall now be coordinated, profiled and communicated according to a common strategy and common goals.

The project TILLSAMMANS (Together) continues to be prioritised and new decisions are realised.


Read more about the faculties' strategies

Published: 10 July 2023 - Page editor: internkommunikation@slu.se

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