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SLU's strategy 2021–2025

Strategy 2021-2025, green decorative text

General overview of our objectives 

SLU shall be an attractive university for both current and future employees and students.

Both the free search for knowledge and needs-motivated research have a natural place at SLU. Research, education and environmental monitoring and assessment shall be characterised by high quality, a clear international dimension and strong links between the various activities.

The university also works to ensure that scientific results and data are disseminated and used in society, in both the short and long term. SLU's students shall be able to establish a good foundation for a changeable professional life. Important components include active collaboration with other higher education institutions, strong international engagement and cooperation with our sectors and other stakeholders in society.

Gender equality, equal terms, and an environmentally oriented mindset shall permeate the entire organisation. Furthermore, SLU shall seek to ensure good leadership, an ethical approach and the efficient use of resources. SLU shall provide a good work and study environment in which equivalent terms apply, regardless of the activity and place of business. Individuals shall be offered good opportunities for development.

Below you will find all strategies for 2021-2025.

Priority focus areas

SLU's strategy contains, in addition to the general objectives, three priority focus areas
with specific goals, ambitions and prioritised activities for the implementation of SLU's strategy 2021-2025


SLU plays a key role in development for sustainable life,
based on science and education.

Mission statement

SLU conducts education, research and environmental monitoring and assessment
in collaboration with society at large.

Through our focus on the interaction between
humans, animals and ecosystems and the responsible use of natural resources,
we contribute to sustainable societal development and good living conditions on our planet.



Read more about the faculties' strategies

Published: 10 July 2023 - Page editor: internkommunikation@slu.se

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