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Agenda 2030

Here, staff can read more about SLU’s contributions to the Agenda 2030 sustainability goals. You will also find information about how collaborations on sustainability issues at the university can be increased, how you can develop your knowledge and participation and access links to relevant information and various sustainability tools.

Symbolic image for the Global Goals. Illustration.

About Agenda 2030

In 2015, the member states of the United Nations adopted Agenda 2030 and the 17 global sustainable development goals. 169 indicators are in place for monitoring these goals. Agenda 2030 aims to create ecological, financial and social sustainability for all global citizens by 2030, thus protecting the planet’s ecosystem and counteracting climate change, eradicating poverty and guaranteeing a peaceful, inclusive world.

What we do

SLU’s contributions to Agenda 2030.

Courses and seminar series

Here, SLU staff can find information about the courses, training and seminar series that may be beneficial to their work with Agenda 2030.

Agenda 2030 Tools

Here you can find useful tools for analysing, planning and providing information about Agenda 2030.

Agenda 2030: SLU sustainability day

Halfway to 2030 everyone at SLU were invited to discuss the development towards the Global Goals so far.


Published: 28 August 2024 - Page editor: miljo@slu.se

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