Program spring 2020
- 7 May: About the investigation of citizen science at SLU and about Arenas for Cooperation through citizen Science (ARCS) including the national portal medborgarforskning.se (presentations in Swedish)
- 14 May: About Artportalen, The Swedish species observation system, and about The Swedish national phenology network including the reporting system Naturens kalender , "Nature's calendar” (presentations in English)
- 26 May: About participatory environmentalism - mobilising citizens for air pollution mitigation and improved environmental health in India and about the engagement of schools in the experiment Strålande jord, “Radiant soil” (presentations in Swedish)
- 11 June: About reporting catch from sports fishing and about engagement of schools in Laxracet 2.0, “Salmon race” (presentations in Swedish)
The series will continue with further webinars during the autumn, keep posted.