
Call for proposal SLU Global - SIANI

Published: 13 November 2017

SLU Global and SIANI announce a small funding for SLU staff to organise one event in 2018 financed by SIANI.


The event could be: one or two-day workshop, or seminar (also half day or full day).

Try to address cross-cutting issues in the proposal. For example, climate change, migration and youth. Or, climate change, migration and gender.


In your proposal, try to think ahead in time, what will be the results from this event, what do you want to achieve. It is good if you can connect this event with something else you are doing.

For example, in one of the events we had last year, the results were: a policy brief, a news article in one of the local newspapers, a journal article, plus a research application.

Try to include in your proposal other actors than just academics, for example NGO’s, civil society and private companies. The event could be held here at SLU Uppsala, Umeå, Alnarp, or somewhere else (at Sida, for example).

How much money

The budget for a seminar could be max 70,000 SEK (a full day seminar, 50,000 SEK for a half day). Budget for a workshop, around 100,000 SEK for a 1.5 or 2-day workshop


Preferably during the spring (Feb-May), or latest during early fall (September) 2018.


Proposals latest by first week in December 2017. The proposal does not need to be longer than one page, and also include a budget proposal. Send the proposal directly to, with copy to


Short information about SIANI

SLU and SIANI ( started collaboration in 2014 through a coordinator located at SLU Global.

SIANI is a member-based network that supports and promotes a multisector dialogue with participation from academia, the private sector, Swedish authorities and civil society surrounding SDG2. SIANI’s goal is to ensure sustainable agriculture for food security, improved nutrition and the eradication of hunger.

During the first two phases of SIANI the collaboration was around the theme Sustainable Agricultural Production and Food Security, and focused on specific workshops related to the thematic areas of SLU Global. The mode of action in the third phase has been through close coordination with the cooperating partners and the SIANI secretariat.

Some of the most important themes for the SIANI activities are those related to food security and nutrition, SDG2, sustainable agricultural production, rural development, youth, gender, forestry – agroforestry, land issues, migration, health.

SIANI’s membership is diverse and includes representatives from governments, civil society, the private sector and academia. The network offers an open and interactive platform for exchange on global issues around food security, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability.

SIANI’s goal is to ensure sustainable agriculture for food security, improved nutrition and the eradication of hunger.

During the first two phases of SIANI the collaboration was around the theme Sustainable Agricultural Production and Food Security, and focused on specific workshops related to the thematic areas of SLU Global. The mode of action in the third phase has been through close coordination with the cooperating partners and the SIANI secretariat.


Margarita CuadraCommunicator SIANI-SLU Global theme
Phone: +46 (0)18-671153


SLU Global supports SLU's work for global development to contribute to Agenda 2030.

SLU Global
Vice-Chancellor's Office

Agricultural Sciences for Global Development
PO Box 7005, SE-750 07 Uppsala
Visiting address: Almas Allé 7 
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