CV page

Samia Samad

Molecular biologist by training with experience in plant genetics and biotechnology.


I am passionate about using molecular tools to improve traits of interest in economically important crops. This was my motivation for choosing my dissertation topics during my MSc and also for my Ph.D. Over the years, I have worked with molecular biology, functional genetics, genomics, carbohydrate biochemistry, biotechnology, and pathology. Moreover, I have also worked with barley, wheat, and strawberries.

Currently, at Alnarp, I am a part of an SLF project aimed to use flower mapping as a tool to examine the flowering potential of commercial ever-bearing strawberries under different temperature and photoperiod regimes to mimic the conditions of tunnel growing plants.


Has been a part of the teaching team for the Microbial Horticulture Master course.


SLF - Flower mapping as a tool to predict flowering potential in the everbearing strawberry.



Ph.D. in Doctoral program in Plant Production Sciences (DPPS) at the University of Helsinki, Finland in collaboration with Fondazione Edmund Mach, Italy.


MSc Molecular Biology with Biotechnology (with Distinction).  Bangor University, Wales, UK.


BSc in Biological Sciences (Hons.). University of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam.

Selected publications

Kurokura, T., Samad, S., Koskela, E., Mouhu, K., and Timo Hytonen. (2017). Fragaria vesca CONSTANS controls photoperiodic flowering and vegetative development. J Exp Bot. 68 (17): 4839-4850. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erx301.

Samad, S., Kurokura, T., Koskela, E., Toivainen, T., Patel, V., Mohuh, K., Sargent, D.J., Hytönen, T. (2017). Additive QTLs on three chromosomes control flowering time in woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.). Hort. Res. 4, 17020: 1-11. doi:10.1038/hortres.2017.20.

Steele, K., Dickin, E., Keerio, M. D., Samad, S., Kambona, C., Brook, R., William, T., Frost, G. (2013). Breeding low-glycemic index barley for functional food. Field Crops Research, 154: 31 -39. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2013.07.018.




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