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Botany, also called plant science(s) or plant biology, is the science of plant life and a branch of biology.

There are 74 pages tagged with Botany:

Kristin Persson

kristin.persson@slu.se Senior lecturer, Associate Professor If we know how different environmental factors vary in time and space, and how our crops respond to this variation, we can better adapt

Sara González Orenga

sara.gonzalez.orenga@slu.se My research focuses on plant stress responses at the physiological, biochemical, and metabolomic levels. Additionally, I’ve worked on evaluating the effectiveness of

Velemir Ninkovic

velemir.ninkovic@slu.se Senior Lecturer and External Collaboration Specialist in plant protection with emphasis on integrated pest management in agriculture Research interests My research area

Diss Martina Leso

Roles of plant cell wall modifications and nutrient signalling in plant-plant interactions charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Martina Leso defends her thesis "Roles of plant cell wall modifications and

Urban Forests: The impact of tree origin on urban biodiversity

henrik.j.persson@slu.se Welcome to the first Urban Forests webinar of the fall semester of 2024. This time, we welcome Johan Kjellberg Jensen, Ph. D. and researcher at Lund University's Centre for

Gwang-Jung Kim

gwangjung.kim@slu.se Postdoctor at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management In my current position, I focus on i) incorporating tree branch turnover into forest carbon dynamics, and ii)

Gersey Vargas

gersey.vargas.rivera@slu.se Gersey Vargas is a PhD researcher addressing questions related to how horse grazing shapes the insect and plant communities of semi-natural grasslands. He is passionate

Paul Kardol

paul.kardol@slu.se To improve our ecological understanding and to effectively apply our expanding ecological knowledge to contemporary societal issues, such as land use and climate change, fields of

MicroRNA keeps young aspen trees longer green than older trees

In a forest, even trees have their generational conflicts. Young trees often find themselves under the canopy of the older trees. Their survival strategy is to kick off their growth earlier in spring

Markus Schmid

markus.schmid@slu.se A fundamental difference between the development of plants and most animals is that the former maintains the potential to form new organs throughout their life. This capacity

New theory disproves Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘Rule of Trees’

A new model to calculate carbon uptake by trees illustrates why large trees may be more susceptible to drought. Previous models where based on Leonardo da Vincis rule of trees. Scientists from SLU

A global observatory to monitor biodiversity

At a time of unprecedented decline in Earth’s biodiversity, scientists are calling for a new system for monitoring and providing the data needed for decision making and conservation action. Earth’s
