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Department of Biosystems and Technology

There are 112 pages tagged with Department of Biosystems and Technology:


Eight months in IDA – Where did it take us? futurefood@slu.se During this seminar, the two groups from SLU’s Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) 2023-2024 will present their project outcomes and share

Henrik Böhlenius

ew-red@slu.se Henrik Böhlenius is an external collaboration specialist at SLU with poplar plantations as his research area. Henrik has more than 10 years expertise in R & D work in the area of fast

New handbook on mycorrhizae

Symbiosis between plants and mycorrhiza-forming fungi can contribute ecosystem services such as improved plant nutrient supply and increased tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress. New handbook on

Food & Cities funding 2024

Two projects conducting cross-disciplinary research activities have been granted funding as part of the Food&Cities seed funding call in 2024. The projects each explore different aspects of the

utlysningen IDA3 tillfalle2_eng

The call from the Interdisciplinary Academy – Q&A session and match making futurefood@slu.se Welcome to a lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) at

Workshopserie forskningsinfrastruktur LTV-fakulteten

Research infrastructure workshop series at LTV faculty internkommunikation@slu.se Welcome to workshop 2 to discuss three more research infrastructures. LTV Articum 2 Alnarp Workshop 2 The LTV

Malin Hultberg

malin.hultberg@slu.se Malin Hultberg (Assoc. Prof) is an applied microbiologist working at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden. She has been involved in research,

Rebeka Zsoldos



Agribuild Conference: Industrialised, Renewable, Sustainable Building Materials from Agriculture and the Countryside johanna.grundstrom@slu.e The aim of the conference is to provide an up-to-date

A Resilient and Sustainable Food System

A Resilient and Sustainable Food System markmiljo-webb@slu.se How are we working on sustainable food systems in Sweden? How do we ensure fertile farmland? During Sweden Innovation Days 2024, Jennie

utlysningen IDA3 tillfalle1_eng

The call from the Interdisciplinary Academy – Q&A session and match making futurefood@slu.se Welcome to a lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) at

Kvinnomaraton - Symposium for women in research

markmiljo-webb@slu.se Are you a female researcher interested in meeting other female researchers to network and discuss common interests? Welcome to The Society of Women Researchers annual event
