CV page

Maya-Setan Diakité

Maya-Setan Diakité
Maya is a postdoctoral researcher working on the valorisation of biomass proteins to make absorbent materials for the hygiene and medical sectors. She has a background in plant biotechnology, organic chemistry and analytical techniques and did her PhD on understanding the reaction of bio-based construction materials (agro-based mortar and binderless particleboard). She can therefore work in several areas of research.


She is deeply interested in research. She is convinced that our aim, as researchers, is to add our stone to the cornerstone mosaic that is research, to make it a marvellous creation and to contribute to science.


She taught in France during her doctorate. During her PhD, she did voluntary work and helped a schoolgirl with her homeworks (1 and half year). She also taught second-year students practical work on oils (fatty acid index measurements).


Her main research interest is the valorization of plant biomass for several purposes (buildings materials, biofuels, biomaterials...)
During her doctorate, her work highlighted the importance of a better understanding of plant biomass, given its great variability, in order to make better use of agro-industrial materials.


Plant biotechnology, organic chemistry, analytical technics, physico-chemistry



Postdoctor at the Department of Plant Breeding
Telephone: +46720143886, +46720143886
Postal address:
Växtförädling, Box 190
234 22 LOMMA
Visiting address: Sundsvägen 10, Alnarp