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Engineering and technology

Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, etc. or it can be embedded in machines, computers, devices and factories, which can be operated by individuals without detailed knowledge of the workings of such things.This includes e.g. civil engineering, mechanical engineering,environmental engineering and environmental biotechnology.

There are 87 pages tagged with Engineering and technology:

Diss Niina Sundin

Sustainability of food waste prevention through food consumption charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Niina Sundin defends her thesis "Sustainability of food waste prevention through food consumption" on

Diss Ebba Perman

Challenges associated with high-solid anaerobic digestion - Down-scaling, plug-flow behaviour and ammonia inhibition charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Ebba Perman defends her thesis "Challenges associated

Diss Mahlet Demere Tadesse

Implementation of digital technologies in logistics systems of low-income countries An assessment based on case studies in Ethiopia charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Mahlet Demere Tadesse defends her

Raffaello (Rafail) Papadakis

rafail.papadakis@slu.se I hold a Ph.D. in Physical Organic Chemistry from the Technical University of Athens, Greece, with a background in chemical engineering (MEng). Throughout my career, I have

Rajneesh Gautam

rajneesh.gautam@slu.se My research focuses on in-situ treatment of per-and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) using air-bubbling/air-sparging. I am a postdoctoral researcher specializing in

Maya-Setan Diakité

maya.setan.diakite@slu.se Maya is a postdoctoral researcher working on the valorisation of biomass proteins to make absorbent materials for the hygiene and medical sectors. She has a background in

Nitrogen in the food system: new TABLE Explainer article

Nitrogen plays a dual role in the agri-food system: it is an essential nutrient for all life forms, yet also an environmental pollutant causing a range of environmental and human health impacts. In

Workshop: Towards Sustainable Maritime Transportation in the Arctic

agnes.soto@slu.se Is it possible to convert the waste from the Swedish pulp and paper industry into sustainable biofuels and use it for maritime transportation? Arctic ice, photo: Francesco Ungaro

What Sweden can learn from South Koreas fight against forest fires

Camera-monitored hills, off-road forest fire trucks, and pine saplings as far as the eye can see. These are some of the impressions from South Korea's east coast, where some of SLU's forest fire


On December 13th the student teams from 5 Nordic and Baltic universities pitched their food and biotechnology related business ideas to an international jury at the NOBALIS Demo Day. The teams have

Karin von Greyerz

karin.von.greyerz@slu.se My research is within the area of sustainable food systems, focusing on potentials to reduce the climate impact from beef and milk production, especially considering the

Maria Jacobsen

maria.jacobsen@slu.se My research aims at promoting healthy and sustainable food consumption. My current research is sustainability assessments of foods and diets and how the food system can be
