Environmental engineering
This includes e.g. energy systems, remote sensing and environmental management.
Vaibhav Shrivastava
vaibhav.shrivastava@slu.se Postdoctoral Researcher | Currently working on Life Cycle Assessment of newly domesticated oil crop in Sweden Vaibhav Shrivastava is a agriculture/soil scientist and
Jean Agustin Velasquez Pinas
jean.velasquez@slu.se Scientist interested in anaerobic digestion, energy conversion of biomass co-products and by-products, biorefinery, crops residues, GHG reduction strategies, techno-economic
Martine E. Fischbach
martine.fischbach@slu.se I am a PhD-student in the research group Anaerobic Microbial Biotechnology (AMB) at the Department of Molecular Sciences at SLU, campus Ultuna in Uppsala. In my research

Selecting the right tree species a possible key to sustainable forestry in the tropics
Rainforests on Borneo have experienced large scale losses because of both unsustainable forestry and the expansion of oil palm plantations. Meanwhile the resources from the tropical forests are
Rajneesh Gautam
rajneesh.gautam@slu.se My research focuses on in-situ treatment of per-and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) using air-bubbling/air-sparging. I am a postdoctoral researcher specializing in
Maya-Setan Diakité
maya.setan.diakite@slu.se Maya is a postdoctoral researcher working on the valorisation of biomass proteins to make absorbent materials for the hygiene and medical sectors. She has a background in
Nolan J Rappa
nolan.rappa@slu.se Postdoctor at the department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies researching forest insect pollinator communities. I am interested in (but not limited to) forest insect
Sabine Jordan
sabine.jordan@slu.se Physical Geographer and Agronomist, Postgraduate. Research Interests Consequences of peatland restoration for hydrochemistry, C, N and P balances, greenhouse gas emissions and
Maria Jacobsen
maria.jacobsen@slu.se My research aims at promoting healthy and sustainable food consumption. My research focuses on sustainability aspects and sustainability assessments of food and diets. I
Faranak Tootoonchi
faranak.tootoonchi@slu.se My work focuses on application of various statistical methods with different levels of complexity to understand climate change impacts on hydroclimatic processes and to
Chen Xing
chen.xing@slu.se I am postdoctoral researcher in Chemistry (Separation Chemistry, Materials, Processes). My research is focused on development of treatment train for removing organic polluants and
Shirin Karimi
shirin.karimi@slu.se I am a researcher studying the hydrological functioning of catchments within a boreal ecosystem. My Ph.D. research focuses on exploring the potential of wetland restoration in