Benjamin Gossweiler Herrera
I am a PhD student in the Agricultural Water Management research group at the Department of Soil and Environment -NJ Faculty SLU in Uppsala.
GIS and Remote Sensing, Research Methods.
My research topic is: "Impact of Climate and Land use Changes on Temporal Variations in Water Regime and Quality in a Peri-Urban/Rural Catchment"
The aim of this PhD project is to improve understanding of the spatial and temporal
variability in water regime and quality in the Rocha River Basin, in relation to land use, climate and catchment characteristics, in a peri-urban/rural area in the Sacaba valley.
This will be achieved by: 1) assessing the influence of historical land use and climate
change on water regime and water quality in waterways, 2) assessing the pollution from non-point sources as a function of land use, geomorphology and position in relation to waterways, 3) evaluating pollution transport by continuous rainfall-runoff modelling using SWAT.
Environmental analysis
GIS modeling, Digital Image Classification (Landsat 5, 7 and 8 and Sentinel 2), Water Quality Modeling, Soil Properties and Distribution, and SWAT Modeling.
ASDI Sweden - UMSS Bolivia
Master of Science in Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, Natural Resources Management Specialisation. Twente University - The Netherlands. 2010.
Lecturer and researcher at University Major of San Simon. 2013 to present.
Biology licentiate degree, University Major of San Simon. Cochabamba -Bolivia 2002.
Associated Professor Ingrid Wesström, Profesor Ingmar Messing and Associated Professor Abraham Joel.