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Soil science

Soil science is the study of soil as a natural resource on the surface of the Earth including soil formation, classification and mapping; physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of soils; and these properties in relation to the use and management of soils.

There are 150 pages tagged with Soil science:

Erica Packard

erica.packard@slu.se I am interested in studying the ecology of soil fungi, particularly mycorrhizal fungi, and their role in soil organic matter decomposition. Carbon and Nitrogen cycling

Ingrid Wesström

ew-red@slu.se Ingrid Wesström is an expert on water management in the agricultural landscape. För mycket eller för lite vatten har alltid varit en av de största begränsningarna för en optimal

Annrose Mwangi

annrose.mwangi@slu.se I am a PhD student in soil science under the Restore4More project. My PhD project aims to improve understanding of the plant-soil-water nexus in the rangelands of East Africa

Ylva Bellander

ylva.bellander@slu.se I am a PhD-student in the Soil chemistry research group, focused on mass balances of cadmium in agricultural soil. I'm interested in how cadmium moves in the soil-plant system

Layla Márquez San Emeterio

layla.marquez.san.emeterio@slu.se 2024 - present: Postdoc in Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils (SLU), PHOSCYCLE project. 2023-2024: Postdoc in Soil Chemometrics in fire-affected Mediterranean areas (

Thesis presents unique study on flood mitigation in newly rewetted peatlands

Rewetting some of Sweden's drained peatlands has been touted as a measure to mitigate the effects of extreme weather. But how effective is this? In her doctoral thesis Shirin Karimi at SLU in Umeå

Dissertation Shirin Karim

Peatland hydrology in boreal Sweden: Modelling, long-term data analysis, and experimental rewetting charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Shirin Karim defends her thesis "Peatland hydrology in boreal Sweden:

Diss Lukas Hallberg

Floodplain remediation in agricultural streams : improved process understanding for reduced eutrophication charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Lukas Hallberg defends his thesis "Floodplain remediation in

Hjalmar Laudon

hjalmar.laudon@slu.se My research is primarily directed towards understanding how land-use and climate are influencing water quality from a landscape perspective. I am the scientific director for

Tejshree Tiwari

tejshree.tiwari@slu.se Modelling biogeochemistry in boreal landscapes As a modeller, I am interested in the interconnectivity between biological, chemical and physical processes that govern the

PhD-halftime seminar by Tove Florén

markmiljo-webb@slu.se Welcome to Tove Florén's PhD-halftime seminar. Tove Florén's work is focused on soil chemistry and nanoparticles. Her preliminary thesis title is "Imogolite-type nanoparticles

Soil health Living Labs

markmiljo-webb@slu.se How can Sweden contribute to creating Living Labs with a focus on soil health to meet regional challenges? Welcome on 24 April to find partners and learn about the EU's Mission
