CV page

Anna Wallenbeck

Anna Wallenbeck
I work with research, education, communication and cooperation concerning sustainable animal production systems, with focus on animal welfare, breeding and production. I am Senior Lecture in Animal Welfare and Associate Professor in Animal Production Systems.


I work with research, education, communication and cooperation concerning sustainable animal production systems, with focus on animal welfare, breeding and production. I am Senior Lecture in Animal Welfare and Associate Professor in Animal Production Systems.



Education and degrees

M.Sc. in Biology (Animal science), and ‘Agronomexamen’, SLU (2002). Master thesis “Fear and aggression in gilts as predictors of maternal ability”.
PhD in Animal science, Dept. of Animal breeding and genetics, SLU (2009). PhD thesis “Pigs for organic production – studies of sow behaviour, piglet production and GxE interactions for performance”.
PostDoc education with Prof. Keeling at the Dept. of Animal Environment and Health, SLU on the subject “Tail biting in pigs”. 2009-2011.
Associate Professor in “Animal production systems”, VH-faculty, SLU, 2016

Professional experience

2017 Sep         Senior Lecturer in Animal Welfare

2011-2017 Aug                         Researcher, permanent position at the Dept. of Animal breeding and genetics, SLU

2009-2011                                 50 % Researcher at the Dept. of Animal breeding and genetics, SLU and 50 % PostDoc at the Dept. of Animal environment and health, SLU.

2003-2009                                 PhD student at the Dept. of Animal breeding and genetics, SLU. Partly on parental leave from March to Dec. 2004 and from June 2006 to Dec. 2007, in total 24 month.

2002 Nov-2003 Research assistant at the Dept. of Animal breeding and genetics, SLU


Selected publications

Publication list at the bottom of the page


Senior Lecturer at the Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare (former HMH); Department office Senior Lecturer at the Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare (former HMH); Division of Environment, Care and Herd Health
Telephone: +4618674504
Postal address:
Box 234
532 23 SKARA
Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 19, Skara
Postal address:
Box 234
532 23 SKARA
Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 19, Skara

Publications list: