Division of Planning, Planeringsenheten
Division of Planning, Enheten för forskning
Division of Planning, Enheten för forskning
During 2019, SLU:s quality assurance process was reviewed by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (HEI). It resulted in SLU being the first higher education institution to get the overall judgement "approved quality assurance processes".
The review was part of the national system for quality assurance of higher education. It was based on a written self evaluation (only in Swedish) and two site visits at SLU.
The following persons were members of the assessors group: Mats Larhed (Uppsala University; chair and expert), Tove Blytt Holmen (The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education - NOKUT, and associate professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences; expert), Joakim Edsjö (Stockholm University; expert), Camilla Lindmark (VD för byggkonsultfirman Aulis; arbetslivsföreträdare), John Lindskog (University of Borås; student representative).
The reviews:
Read more about HEIs' quality assurance processes in Guidelines for reviewing the HEIs' quality assurance processes for education and research.
SLU:s written self evaluation (only available in Swedish)
SLUSS student report (in Swedish)
UKÄ's decision and assessment report (in Swedish)