SLU news

Internal process at SLU for an application to the Formas call "Contingency planning and competitiveness in the food system – a call for transdisciplinary centres"

Published: 08 February 2024

Formas announces funds for the formation of national centers for research on food security. Each university can send in max two applications, and SLU Future Food will lead and facilitate an internal process at SLU to formulate an application.

The first step in this process is a lunch webinar with information about the call, followed by two workshops.

If you are interested in joining the process – save the dates below!

Please note that workshop 2 builds on workshop 1 and requires participation in workshop 1, but you need to register for each occasion.

Brief description of the internal process at SLU

The scope and focus of the call is relevant for the whole of SLU, but the university may only be the main applicant in max two applications.
• SLU wants at least one winning entry in the FORMAS call 
• SLU Future Food has been given the task to facilitate the internal process aimed at identifying this/these contributions (not controlling but creating opportunities)

SLU researchers are responsible for idea generation and writing, but SLU Future Food in collaboration with SLU's other future platforms, one representative per faculty and Grants Office, offer support in the application process. Support will be offered in the form of facilitation of workshops, identification of external actors, feedback on text and structure as well as help with layout/visual presentation of the application.

A selection group consisting of Håkan Schroeder (LTV), René Båge (VH), Ingrid Öborn (NJ) and Pernilla Christensen (S) represent the faculties in the process and will propose to the Vice-Chancellor which application(s) SLU will work on as well as propose a project group.