
New call for Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) in 2023

Published: 21 February 2023

The NJ Faculty Board has decided to continue to support the Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) initiative and the further development of IDA. A new call for the project period 2023-2024 will be announced in March. Here are the important dates.

  • 15 March: Call for IDA 2023-2024 opens
  • 1 June: Last day for application
  • 20 June: Official decision from the selection group to be announced
  • 5 Sep: Festive closing ceremony for IDA 2022-2023 and open workshop  at SLU
  • 25 Oct: Start for IDA 2023-2024
  • 30 June 2024: End of project period for IDA 2023-2024
  • Beginning of 2nd semester: Festive closing ceremony for IDA 2023-2024 and open workshop at SLU

In April and May there will be opportunities for Q&A sessions about IDA 2023-2024, match making events and inspiration webinars.

More information on the webinars can be found here.


The Interdisciplinary Academy at SLU, initiated by SLU Future Food in 2022, is financed by the NJ faculty and SLU Future Food. The aim is to build a long-term organisation for the development of cross-disciplinary research at SLU. Inspiration has been drawn from the Pufendorf Institute at Lund University. 

The NJ Faculty's strategy for 2021–2025 states that cross-disciplinary approaches should be part of the work to contribute to the transition to a sustainable society. The strategy states that the faculty will "strengthen the ability to process research questions from a cross-disciplinary perspective" and to "facilitate cross-disciplinary research collaborations between different departments ".

SLU Future Food is a platform that stimulates and develops cross-disciplinary research and collaborations for economically, ecologically and socially sustainable food systems.