
Contribute with input on soil information and data infrastructure course

Published: 07 October 2022
bare soil in sunlight

In January 2023, it will be possible to take part in a course related to soil data infrastructure, organised by the EU research programme EJP SOIL. EJP SOIL is now asking for input on the course content. Welcome to contribute by filling in the questionnaire below!


The course will be more practical than the previous EJP SOIL course “Guiding national soil information providers towards INSPIRE compliance”, which recordings can be found here on the EJP SOIL website.

For the course to be as relevant as possible, the organisers have made a short questionnaire with options and room for suggestions to inventory what the needs and desires are related to soil information and data infrastructure.

If you are interesting in participating, please follow the link and indicate what you would like the course to be about.


Fenny van Egmond

ejp soil logotype Horizon 2020 logotype


EJP SOIL, European joint Programme Soil, is an EU research programme for sustainable and climate smart agriculture. The programme includes 24 countries all over Europe. Read more about EJP SOIL at the EJP SOIL website.
