Data Management Support (DMS) |
SLU's Data Curation Unit, together with the Swedish National Data Service (SND), will in a pilot project publish and make accessible research and environmental analysis data through SND's research data portal. We therefore need help from researchers, research groups and EMA analysts at SLU.
One goal of the pilot project is to initiate a dialogue between DCU and researchers et al at SLU. Another is to collect feedback for SND's input form to describe data, as well as future development of SND's systems and work flows. One important aspect is to convey SLU's needs and influence future development as SLU is one of several universities participating in the pilot project.
The project is planned to start the third week in March with a workshop in Umeå (it is also possible to participate remotely), and will be completed in May in the form of an evaluation. All in all, it is a work effort of approximately 4 working days for each participant, and those who participate will be compensated for the time spent on the project.
SND has since January 1, 2018 been run by a consortium consisting of seven universities, of which SLU is one. The consortium is responsible for the technical solution for SND's search portal for research data and associated data repository.
Contact DCU with your notice of interest or if you have questions:
Data Management Support (DMS) |