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Patrik Kraufvelin

Researcher, Docent, with main focus on marine benthic ecology, community ecology, environmental biology (e.g. eutrophication, non-indigenous species, physical disturbance - biological effects, marine restoration, environmental compensation), biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, marine mesocosms, experimental design and statistical data analysis, essential fish habitats, marine ecosystem services. Associate editor for Marine Biology (since 2007) and Review editor for Frontiers in Marine Science (since 2022). Nature photographer


I am a marine ecologist with a broad and long-term research background comprising both basic and applied aspects in many different marine communities (both algae and animals). During my 30+ years as a professional biologist, I have carried out field and experimental work in large parts of the Baltic Sea, but also in marine waters in Norway. Among my broad work experiences, I am serving as an associate editor for Marine Biology (since 2007), review editor for Frontiers in Marine Science (since 2022) and previously also as associate editor for ISRN Ecology (2011-2014), I have been reviewer/referee for ~50 different scientific journals and evaluator of resesarch proposals and doctoral and master theses. My international network for scientific co-operation includes scientists from >30 different countries. I have >45 peer-reviewed scientific publications and ~25 reports that have been cited more than 2000 times and given me an h-index of 25 (Google Scholar)


Previous teaching: 

- "Numerisk ekologi / Statistik II” and ”Conservation Biology” at Åbo Akademi University (AAU), Turku, Finland

- ”Coastal Zone Ecology, Conservation and Management”, "Conservation Biology" and "Academic Writing" at Novia University of Applied Sciences in Ekenäs, Finland

- Guest lecturer in international PhD-courses as “Methods in Algae Research”, “Comparative Coastal Ecology” and “Marine Macrophytes: Biology and Ecological Role in Coastal Waters”, AAU, Turku, Finland

- Teacher in "Experimental design and statistical data analysis" at Tvärminne Zoological Station, University of Helsinki, Hanko, Finland

- Guest lecturer in numerous MSc-level courses at AAU (since 1994)


During my time at SLU Aqua, Kustlaboratoriet in Öregrund (since October 2014), I have been working on three projects within the area of Marine Green Infrastructure: ”Fysisk påverkan och biologiska effekter”, ”Ekologisk restaurering och kompensation” and ”IMAGINE”; one project from the Nordic Council of Ministers about ”Essentiella fiskhabitat i Östersjön”; three projects dealing with the analysis of fish communities in different marine areas in Sweden (Two WATERS projects and one from Länsstyrelsen i Västra Götaland), one project studying the "impact of human activities on marine ecosystem services" as well as in the new project ECOCOA (Environmental compensation in coastal areas).



- MSc in Biology (Ecotoxicology and environmental protection), Åbo Akademi University (AAU), Turku, Finland, 1991;

- PhD in Biology (Environmental and marine biology), AAU, 2001;

- Docent in Numerical marine ecology, AAU, 2005

Relevant work experience:

- 2014–present: Researcher at Kustlaboratoriet, SLU Aqua, Öregrund, Sweden

- 2013–2014: Researcher at YH Novia and AAU, Ekenäs and Turku, Finland 

- 2007–2013: Senior researcher at Aronia Coastal Research Team, AAU and YH Novia, Ekenäs, Finland

- 2001–2007: Researcher at AAU

- 1994–2001: PhD-student, AAU

- 1993: Guest scientist at NIVA's marine research station Solbergstrand in Norway 

- 1988–1993: Researcher in Nykarleby and in Nagu, Finland, for Finska Miljöforskargruppen and in Mönsterås, Sweden for Svenska Miljöforskargruppen

- 1988–1989: Nature surveyor, Nykarleby, Finland

- 1987: Trainee, Husö Biological Station (AAU), Åland Islands, Finland


- Host for one post doctoral researcher (2012–2015, Novia University of Applied Sciences, Ekenäs, Finland)

- Co-supervisor of two PhD-students (2003–2004 AAU, Turku, Finland; 2010–2011 Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany)

- Host for one graduate student (2011–12, University of Hokkaido, Japan)

- Supervisor of 16 MSc-students (1994–2014), mainly students at AAU, Turku, Finland, but also visiting MSc-students from University of Helsinki, Finland; Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany; Universität zu Köln, Germany; GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany; Universität Rostock, Germany

- En miljöplanerarkandidat (2008–09, YH Novia, Ekenäs).

Selected publications

Kotta J, Raudsepp U, Szava-Kovats R, Aps R, Armoskaite A, Barda I, Bergström P, Futter M, Gröndahl F, Hargrave M, Jakubowska M, Jänes H, Kaasik A, Kraufvelin P, Kovaltchouk N, Krost P, Kulikowski T, Kõivupuu A, Kotta I, Lees L, Loite S, Maljutenko I, Nylund G, Paalme T, Pavia H, Purina I, Rahikainen M, Sandow V, Visch W, Yang B, Barboza FR (2023) Corrigendum to “Assessing the potential for sea-based macroalgae cultivation and its application for nutrient removal in the Baltic Sea” [Sci. Total Environ. 839 (2022) 156230]. Sci Total Environ 901:165870.  DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165870

Kraufvelin P, Bergström L, Sundqvist F, Ulmestrand M, Wennhage H, Wikström A, Bergström U (2023) Rapid re-establishment of top-down control at a no-take artificial reef. Ambio 52:556-570.

Bergström U, Berkström C, Sköld M (eds), Börjesson P, Eggertsen M, Fetterplace L, Florin A-B, Fredriksson R, Fredriksson S, Kraufvelin P, Lundström K, Nilsson J, Ovegård M, Perry D, Sundelöf A, Wikström A, Wennhage H (2022) Long-term effects of no-take zones in Swedish waters. Aqua reports 2022:20. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 289 pp. 

Bergström U, Sundblad G, Söderqvist T, Cole S, Hasselström L, Kraufvelin P, Moksnes P-O, Wikström S, Bergström L (2022). Kompensation för miljöpåverkan vid kustexploatering – dagens tillämpning av ekologisk kompensation och särskild fiskeavgift samt möjlig vidareutveckling. Aqua reports 2022:21. Uppsala: Institutionen för akvatiska resurser. (In Swedish).

Kotta J, Raudsepp U, Szava-Kovats R, Aps R, Armoskaite A, Barda I, Bergström P, Futter M, Gröndahl F, Hargrave M, Jakubowska M, Jänes H, Kaasik A, Kraufvelin P, Kovaltchouk N, Krost P, Kulikowski T, Kõivupuu A, Kotta I, Lees, L, Loite S, Maljutenko I, Nylund G, Paalme T, Pavia H, Purina I, Rahikainen M, Sandow V, Visch W, Yang B, Barboza FR (2022) Assessing the potential for sea-based macroalgae cultivation and its application for nutrient removal in the Baltic Sea. Sci Total Environ 839:156230. 

Kraufvelin P, Bryhn A, Olsson J (2021c) Erfarenheter av ekologisk restaurering i kust och hav. Havs- och vattenmyndighetens rapport 2020:28. 180 s. (excluding separate appendices; In Swedish). 

Kraufvelin P, Bryhn A, Kling J, Olsson J (2021b) Fysisk påverkan i kusten och effekter på ekosystemen. Havs- och vattenmyndighetens rapport 2020:27. 213 s. (excluding separate appendices; In Swedish). 

Saikkonen L, Lai T-Y, Oljemark K, Laamanen L, Korpinen S, Ahtiainen H, Bastardie F, Dodd L, Kikas L, Kraufvelin P, Markager S, Pakalniete K, Vretborn M, Wolf J (2021). Cost effectiveness of proposed new measures for the Baltic Sea Action Plan 2021. Report HELCOM ACTION, 79 pp. 

Kraufvelin P, Olsson J, Bergström U, Bryhn A, Bergström L (2021a) Restoration measures for coastal habitats in the Baltic Sea: cost-efficiency and areas of highest significance and need. Report HELCOM ACTION, 80 pp.  

Bergström L, Bergström U, Cole S, Hasselström L, Kraufvelin P, Moksnes P-O, Sundblad G, Söderqvist T, Wikström SA (2021) Ekologisk kompensation i kustmiljön. Hur kan man uppväga förluster av biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster i samband med mänsklig verksamhet i kustområdet? Naturvårdverket, Rapport 6994, 69 pp (In Swedish).

Westerbom M, Kraufvelin P, Mustonen O, Díaz E (2021) Explaining recruitment stochasticity at a species' range margin. Front Mar Sci 8:852.

Cole S, Moksnes P-O, Söderqvist T, Wikström SA, Sundblad G, Hasselström L, Bergström U, Kraufvelin P, Bergström L (2021) Environmental compensation for biodiversity and ecosystem services: a flexible framework that addresses human wellbeing. Ecosyst Serv 50:101319.

Wikström S, Bergström L, Bergström U, Kraufvelin P, Sundblad G, Cole S, Hasseström L, Moksnes P-O, Söderqvist T (2020) Skydda och restaurera - så kan vi rädda kustens ekosystem. Policy brief, Stockholms universitets Östersjöcentrum, 6 pp. (in Swedish).

Bryhn A, Bergström L, Fetterplace L, Bergström U, Kraufvelin P (2020) Ekosystemtjänsternas roll i havsmiljöarbetet – kopplingar från Havsmiljödirektivets deskriptorer och från svenska miljökvalitetsnormer samt implikationer för ekosystemräkenskaper. Report, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Öregrund, 29 pp. (In Swedish).

Christie H, Kraufvelin P, Kraufvelin L, Niemi N, Rinde E (2020) Disappearing blue mussels – can mesopredators be blamed? Front Mar Sci 7:550. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00550.

Nyström Sandman A, Christiernsson A, Fyhr FG, Lindegarth M, Kraufvelin P, Bergström P, Nilsson P, Fredriksson R, Bergström U, Hogfors H (2020) Grön infrastruktur i havet - landskapsperspektiv i förvaltningen av Sveriges marina områden. Rapport 6930, Naturvårdsverket. ISBN 978-91-620--6930-8. ISSN 0282-7298. (In Swedish).

Kotta J, Futter M, Kaasik A, Liversage K, Rätsep M, Barboza FR, Bergström L, Bergström P, Bobsien I, Díaz E, Herkül K, Jonsson P, Korpinen S, Kraufvelin P, Krost P, Lindahl O, Lindegarth M, Moltke Lyngsgaard M, Mühl M, Nyström Sandman A, Orav-Kotta H, Orlova M, Skov H, Rissanen J, Šiaulys A, Vidakovic A, Virtanen E (2020) Response to a letter to editor regarding Kotta et al. 2020: Cleaning up seas using blue growth initiatives: Mussel farming for eutrophication control in the Baltic Sea. Sci Total Environ 739:138712.

Hansen J, Anderson HC, Bergström U, Borger T, Brelin D, Byström P, Eklöf J, Kraufvelin P, Kumblad L, Ljunggren L, Nordahl O, Tibblin P (2020) Våtmarker som fiskevårdsåtgärd vid kusten. Utvärdering av restaurerade våtmarkers effekt på fiskreproduktion och ekosystemet längs Östersjökusten. Stockholms universitets Östersjöcentrum, rapport 1/2020. (In Swedish).

Kraufvelin P, Christie H, Gitmark JK (2020) Top-down release of mesopredatory fish is a weaker structuring driver of temperate rocky shore communities than bottom-up nutrient enrichment. Mar Biol 167:49.

Bryhn A, Kraufvelin P, Bergström U, Vretborn M, Bergström L (2020) A model for disentangling dependencies and impacts among human activities and marine ecosystem services. Environ Manage 65:575-586.

Karlsson M, Kraufvelin P, Östman Ö (2020) Kunskapssammanställning om effekter på fisk och skaldjur av muddring och dumpning i akvatiska miljöer. En syntes av grumlingens dos och varaktighet. Aqua reports 2020:1. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för akvatiska resurser, Drottningholm Lysekil Öregrund. 73 s. ISBN: 978-91-576-9722-6. (In Swedish).

Kotta J, Futter M, Kaasik A, Liversage K, Rätsep M, Barboza FR, Bergström L, Bergström P, Bobsien I, Díaz E, Herkül K, Jonsson P, Korpinen S, Kraufvelin P, Krost P, Lindahl O, Lindegarth M, Moltke Lyngsgaard M, Mühl M, Nyström Sandman A, Orav-Kotta H, Orlova M, Skov H, Rissanen J, Šiaulys A, Vidakovic A, Virtanen E (2020) Cleaning up seas using blue growth initiatives: Mussel farming for eutrophication control in the Baltic Sea. Sci Total Environ 709:136144

Westerbom M, Kraufvelin P, Erlandsson J, Korpinen, S, Mustonen O, Díaz E (2019) Wave stress and biotic facilitation drive community composition in a marginal hard bottom ecosystem. Ecosphere 10:e02883.

Barboza FR, Kotta J, Weinberger F, Jormalainen V, Kraufvelin P, Molis M, Schubert H, Pavia H, Nylund GM, Kautsky L, Schagerström E, Rickert E, Saha M, Fredriksen S, Martin G, Torn K, Ruuskanen A, Wahl M (2019). Geographic variation in fitness-related traits of the bladderwrack Fucus vesiculosus along the Baltic Sea-North Sea salinity gradient. Ecol Evol 9:9225–9238.

Bergström L, Karlsson M, Bergström U, Pihl L, Kraufvelin P (2019) Relative impacts of fishing and eutrophication on coastal fish assessed by comparing a no-take area with an environmental gradient. Ambio 48:565-579.

Lenz M, Ahmed Y, Canning-Clode J, Díaz ER, Eichhorn S, Fabritzek AG, da Gama BAP, Garcia M, von Juterzenka K, Kraufvelin P, Machura S, Oberschelp L, Paiva F, Penna MA, Ribeiro FV, Thiel M, Wohlgemuth D, Zamani NP, Wahl M (2018) Heat challenges can enhance population tolerance to thermal stress in mussels: A potential mechanism by which ship transport can increase species invasiveness. Biol Invasions 20:3107.

Kraufvelin P,  Pekcan-Hekim Z, Bergström U, Florin A-B, Lehikoinen A, Mattila J, Arula T, Briekmane L, Brown EJ, Celmer Z, Dainys J, Jokinen H, Kääriä P, Kallasvuo M, Lappalainen A, Lozys L, Möller P, Orio A, Rohtla M, Saks L, Snickars M, Støttrup J, Sundblad G, Taal I, Ustups D, Verliin A, Vetemaa M, Winkler H, Wozniczka A, Olsson J (2018) Essential coastal habitats for fish in the Baltic Sea. Estuar Coastal Shelf Sci 204:14-30

Kraufvelin P, Bergström L, Bergström U, Bryhn A (2018) Relationships between human activities and marine ecosystem services. Report SLU.aqua.2017.4.2-207, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 33 pp.

Kraufvelin P (2017) Macroalgal grazing by the green sea urchin: born to consume resources. Mar Biol 164:132

Kraufvelin P, Svensson F, Fredriksson R, Bergström L, Karlsson M, Wennhage H, Wikström A, Bergström U (2017) Inventering och modellering av fisk- och kräftdjurssamhällen i Kosterhavets nationalpark. Länsstyrelsen Västra Götaland, Naturavdelningen, Rapportnr: 2017:22. ISSN: 1403-169X. (In Swedish)

Bergström L, Karlsson M, Bergström U, Pihl L, Kraufvelin P (2016) Distribution of mesopredatory fish determined by habitat variables in a predator-depleted coastal system. Mar Biol 163:201

Kraufvelin P, Pekcan-Hekim Z, Bergström U, Florin A-B, Lehikoinen A, Mattila J,  Olsson J (2016) Essential fish habitats (EFH): Conclusions from a workshop on the importance, mapping, monitoring, threats and conservation of coastal EFH in the Baltic Sea. TemaNord 2016:539.

Ruuskanen AT, Kraufvelin P, Alvik R (2016) Recent studies of the shipwreck Vrouw Maria (1771) in the northern Baltic proper. SAS Bulletin – Newsletter of the Society for Archaeological Sciences 39:15-16.

Díaz ER, Erlandsson J, Westerbom M, Kraufvelin P (2015) Depth-related spatial patterns of sublittoral blue mussel beds and their associated macrofauna diversity revealed by geostatistical analyses. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 540:121-134

Kraufvelin P, Díaz ER (2015) Sediment macrofauna communities at a small mussel farm in the northern Baltic proper. Bor Environ Res 20:378-390.

Ruuskanen AT, Kraufvelin P, Alvik R, Díaz ER, Honkonen J, Kanerva J, Karell K, Kekäläinen P, Lappalainen J, Mikkola R, Mustasaari T, Nappu N, Nieminen A, Roininen J, Svahnbäck K (2015) Benthic conditions around a historic shipwreck: Vrouw Maria (1771) in the northern Baltic proper. Cont Shelf Res 98:1-12.

Cusson M, Crowe TP, Araújo R, Arenas F, Aspden R, Bulleri F, Davoult D, Dyson K, Fraschetti S, Herkül K, Hubas C, Jenkins SR, Kotta J, Kraufvelin P, Migné A, Molis M, Mulholland O, Noël LM-LJ, Paterson DM, Saunders J, Somerfield PJ, Sousa-Pinto I, Spilmount N, Terlizzi A, Benedetti-Cecchi L (2015) Relationships between biodiversity and the stability of marine ecosystems: comparisons at a European scale using meta-analysis. J Sea Res 98:5-14.

Jungerstam J, Erlandsson J, McQuaid CD, Porri F, Westerbom M, Kraufvelin P (2014) Is habitat amount important for biodiversity in rocky shore systems? A study of South African mussel assemblages. Mar Biol 161:1507-1519.

Kraufvelin P (2014) Digging for and grabbing the answers: novel whole-ecosystem approach quantifies damage and reveals mechanisms of invader-driven habitat destruction. Mar Biol 161:1-2

Hamilton C, Díaz ER, Kraufvelin P, Laipeniece L., Ozolina Z, Emilsson M, Svensson J (2013) Mussel farming the new Baltic Sea aquaculture industry. Edited by Gummesson, A. SIA "Gandrs poligrãfija", Riga, Latvia, 28 pp.

Kraufvelin P (2013) Pending possible establishment of Littorina littorea in the Pacific: to know the remedy, know thine enemy. Mar Biol 160:1525-1527

Díaz E, Kraufvelin P (2013) A mussel farm in the Baltic proper. In: Vollmann, T (ed.) Perspectives from the Åland Aquaculture Week, Mariehamn, Åland 9–12 October 2012, Mussel Farming in the Baltic Sea Region: Prerequisites and Possibilities, pp. 12-13.

Kraufvelin P, Ruuskanen AT, Bäck S, Russell G (2012) Increased seawater temperature and light during early springs accelerate receptacle growth of Fucus vesiculosus in the northern Baltic proper. Mar Biol 159:1785-1807

Bulleri F, Benedetti-Cecchi L, Cusson M, Maggi E, Arenas F, Aspden R, Bertocci I, Crowe TP, Davoult D, Eriksson BK, Fraschetti S, Golléty C, Griffin JN, Jenkins SR, Kotta J, Kraufvelin P, Molis M, Sousa Pinto I, Terlizzi A, Valdivia N, Paterson DM (2012) Temporal stability of European rocky shore assemblages: variation across a latitudinal gradient and the role of habitat-formers. Oikos 121:1801-1809

Díaz ER, Kraufvelin P, Erlandsson J (2012) Combining gut fluorescence technique and spatial analysis to determine Littorina littorea grazing dynamics in nutrient-enriched and nutrient-unenriched littoral mesocosms. Mar Biol 159:837-852

Lenz M, da Gama BAP, Gerner NV, Gobin J, Gröner F, Harry A, Jenkins SR, Kraufvelin P,  Mummelthei C, Sareyka J, Xavier E, Wahl M (2011) Non-native marine invertebrates are more tolerant towards environmental stress than taxonomically related native species: Results from a globally replicated study. Environ Res 111:943-952

Sareyka J, Kraufvelin P, Lenz M, Lindström M, Tollrian R, Wahl M (2011) Differences in stress tolerance and brood size between a non-indigenous and an indigenous gammarid in the northern Baltic Sea. Mar Biol 158:2001-2008

Wahl M, Link H, Alexandridis N, Thomason J, Cifuentes M, Costello MJ, da Gama BAP,  Hillock K, Hobday AJ, Kaufmann MJ, Keller S, Kraufvelin P, Krüger I, Lauterbach L, Antunes BL, Molis M, Nakaoka M, Nyström J, bin Radzi Z, Stockhausen B, Thiel M, Vance T, Weseloh A, Whittle M, Wiesmann L, Wunderer L, Yamakita T, Lenz M (2011) Re-structuring of marine communities exposed to environmental change: a global study on the interactive effects of species and functional richness. PLOS One 6(5):e19514

Kraufvelin P, Perus J, Bonsdorff E (2011) Scale-dependent distribution of soft-bottom infauna and possible structuring forces in low diversity systems. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 426:13-28

Kraufvelin P, Lindholm A, Pedersen MF, Kirkerud LA, Bonsdorff E (2010) Biomass, diversity and production of rocky shore macroalgae at two nutrient enrichment and wave action levels. Mar Biol 157:29-47

Paavola M, Laine AO, Helavuori M, Kraufvelin P (2008) Profiling four brackish water harbours: zoobenthic composition and invasion status. Bor Environ Res 13:159-175

Carlsson R, Hæggström C-A, Kraufvelin P (2008) The vascular plant flora of shell gravel deposits on the Åland Islands, SW Finland – community structure in relation to calcium. Bor Environ Res 13:45-65

Kraufvelin P (2007) Responses to nutrient enrichment, wave action and disturbance in rocky shore communities. Aquat Bot 87:262-274

Kraufvelin P, Ruuskanen AT, Nappu N, Kiirikki M (2007) Winter colonisation and succession of filamentous algae on artificial substrates and possible relationships to Fucus vesiculosus settlement in early summer. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 72:665-674

Kraufvelin P, Moy FE, Christie H, Bokn TL (2006b) Nutrient addition to experimental rocky shore communities revisited: Delayed responses, rapid recovery. Ecosystems 9:1076-1093

Kraufvelin P, Salovius S, Christie H, Moy FE, Karez R, Pedersen MF (2006a) Eutrophication-induced changes in benthic algae affect the behaviour and fitness of the marine amphipod Gammarus locusta. Aquat Bot 84:199-209

Christie H, Fredriksen S, Kraufvelin P, Norderhaug KM (2005) Tang, tareskog og ålegras som leveområde og økosystem. NINA Temahefte 31. Kystøkologi: økosystemprocesser og menneskelig aktivitet (in Norwegian) pp. 8-17

Kraufvelin P, Salovius S (2004) Animal diversity in Baltic rocky shore macroalgae: Can Cladophora glomerata compensate for lost Fucus vesiculosus? Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 61:369-378

Salovius S, Kraufvelin P (2004) The filamentous green alga Cladophora glomerata as a habitat for littoral macrofauna in the Northern Baltic Sea. Ophelia 58:65-78

Karez R, Engelbert S, Kraufvelin P, Pedersen MF, Sommer U (2004) Biomass response and changes in composition of ephemeral macroalgal assemblages along an experimental gradient of nutrient enrichment. Aquat Bot 78:103-117

Christie H, Kraufvelin P (2004) Mechanisms regulating amphipod population density within macroalgal communities with restricted predator impact. Sci Mar 68 (Suppl. 1):189-198

Bokn TL, Duarte CM, Pedersen MF, Marbá N, Moy FE, Barrón C, Bjerkeng B, Borum J,  Christie H, Engelbert S, Fotel FL, Hoell EE, Karez R, Kersting K, Kraufvelin P, Lindblad C, Olsen M, Sanderud KA, Sommer U, Sørensen K (2003) The response of experimental rocky shore communities to nutrient additions. Ecosystems 6:577-594

Bokn TL, Moy FE, Christie H, Engelbert S, Karez R, Kersting K, Kraufvelin P, Lindblad C,  Marbá N, Pedersen MF, Sørensen K (2002) Are rocky shore ecosystems affected by nutrient enriched seawater? Some preliminary results from a mesocosm experiment. Hydrobiologia 484:167-175

Kraufvelin P, Christie H, Olsen M (2002) Littoral macrofauna (secondary) responses to experimental nutrient addition to rocky shore mesocosms and a coastal lagoon. Hydrobiologia 484:149-166

Kraufvelin P, Sinisalo B, Leppäkoski E, Mattila J, Bonsdorff E (2001) Changes in zoobenthic community structure after pollution abatement from fish farms in the Archipelago Sea (N Baltic Sea). Mar Environ Res 51:229-245

Kraufvelin P (2000) Detecting change in marine zoobenthic communities by large-scale and long-term mesocosm experiments and field studies. PhD-thesis, Åbo Akademi University, 58 pp.

Kraufvelin P (1999) Baltic hard bottom mesocosms unplugged: Replicability, repeatability and ecological realism examined by non-parametric multivariate techniques. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 240:229-258

Bokn TL, Christie H, Duarte CM, Geertz-Hansen O, Hoell EE, Kersting K, Kraufvelin P, Lindblad C, Pedersen MF, Sommer U, Moy F (1998) Effects of eutrophicated seawater on rocky shore ecosystems studied in large littoral mesocosms - EULIT. In: Barthel K-G, Barth H, Bohle-Carbonell M, Fragakis C, Lipiatou E, Martin P, Ollier G, Weydert M (eds), Project Synopses from Third European Marine Science and Technology Conference, Lisbon 23-27 May 1998, Volume II, Strategic Marine Research, pp. 871-876

Kraufvelin P (1998) Model ecosystem replicability challenged by the “soft” reality of a hard bottom mesocosm. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 222:247-267


Patrik Kraufvelin (0000-0003-3224-8388) - ORCID

