CV page

Max Lindmark

Max Lindmark
Hello! I am a researcher in marine fish and fisheries ecology at the Institute of Marine Research in Lysekil.


I use statistical and mathematical models to study ecological impacts of climate change to improve our understanding and management of marine ecosystems.

Specifically, my research focuses mainly on:

  • Impacts of climate change on species distributions
  • Climate effects on the growth, body size and size-structure of fishes
  • Spatiotemporal modelling of ecological processes
  • Dynamics and structure of size-based food webs using process-based modelling (for this line of research, I’m also involved in the FishMIP)



Dec 2015-2020
Ph.D. in Marine Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences: Climate change impacts on fish communities –how species interactions and fishing mediate physiological responses to climate change

Aug 2014-Sep 2015 
MRes Applied Marine and Fisheries Ecology (Distinction), University of Aberdeen

BSc Biology (2:1 equivalent), University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Majority of courses completed with pass with special distinction

Selected publications

Lindmark, M., Ohlberger, J., Huss, M. and Gårdmark, A., 2019. Size‐based ecological interactions drive food web responses to climate warming. Ecology letters, 22(5), pp.778-786,

Lindmark, M., Audzijonyte, A., Blanchard, J. L. and Gårdmark, A. 2022. Temperature impacts on fish physiology and resource abundance lead to faster growth but smaller fish sizes and yields under warming. Global Change Biology, 28(21), 6239–6253,

Lindmark, M., Ohlberger, J., and Gårdmark, A. 2022. Optimum growth temperature declines with body size within fish species. Global Change Biology, 28(7), pp. 2259–2271

Lindmark, M., Anderson, S. C., Gogina, M., Casini, M. 2023. Evaluating drivers of spatiotemporal variability in individual condition of a bottom-associated marine fish, Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 80(5), 1539–1550

Lindmark, M., Karlsson, M., and Gårdmark, A. 2023. Larger but younger fish when growth outpaces mortality in heated ecosystem. eLife, 12, e82996.



Researcher at the Department of Aquatic Resources; Institute of Marine Research, joint staff
Telephone: +46104784173
Postal address:
Turistgatan 5
453 30 LYSEKIL
Visiting address: Turistgatan 5, Lysekil

Publications list: