Martine E. Fischbach

I am a laboratory assistant in the SLU bachelor course BI1440 "Genetics, cell biology and microbiology".
A potential solution to reduce plastic contamination in digestate from biogas plants is the use of biodegradable plastics (BP) in different applications, such as food packaging and organic waste collection bags. However, little is known about the fate of BP in biogas reactors (an anaerobic environment) as most of these plastics are only tested for their degradability in composting facilities (an aerobic environment). My projects aims to fill this knowledge gap and provide insights into the biodegradability of BP in biogas production systems, as well as the impact of these materials on the process and quality of the final digestate.
Another focus of my project lies on wastewater treatment sludge as biogas substrate. This residual product from the wastewater treatment process can be used as substrate to produce biogas, but often contains a large amount of small plastic particles (so-called microplastics). My project aims to investigate how wastewater treatment sludge can be used in biogas production systems without contaminating the digestate with plastics, and thus the soil if it is used as fertilizer.
I am part of a Marie-Curie doctoral network where the overall aim is to develop “Innovative, Circular Solutions For Wastewater Treatment Sludge” ( The INCLUE-network consists of 11 PhD-students, located in 7 European countries and who all collaborate with each other to reach the common project goal.
I also have several collaborations outside of the INCLUE-network, with public research institutes in Europe, with Swedish and international biodegradable plastic manufacturers as well as with biogas plant operators.
MSc. in Agricultural Sciences (University of Hohenheim, Germany)
BSc. in bioengineering (Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liège, Belgium)
Link to research group:
Link to doctoral network project homepage: