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Katarzyna Marzec Schmidt

Katarzyna Marzec-Schmidt is a data analyst with background in bioinformatics and phytopathology. She is currently working with Machine Learning based predictive models for agriculture.


I am a part of the Precision Agriculture group in Skara. I have many years of experience in the field of crops phytopathology and big data analysis. Currently, I am working in the project `Baby Grain Passport´ that aim to develop an information system to improve traceability and efficiency in the handling of oats and wheat intended for baby food, from the farm to the producer. My main focus is the development of prediction models for the occurrence of the Fusarium mycotoxins (mainly DON and HT2+T2) and therefore selecting safe batches with a low risk of mycotoxins contamination, and models predicting the developmental stages of cereals which is important for e.g.  planning fungicide application during oats or wheat flowering to decrease Fusarium infection and mycotoxins production. Artificial intelligence and data mining techniques are used to transfer big data into information useful for farmers and grain purchasing companies. 

I have recently graduated from the Bioinformatics programme at University of Skövde. In my MSc-project, I was testing the possibility of using Convolutional Neural Networks to predict the differentiation status of human induced pluripotent stem cells. I am looking forward to apply Deep Neural Networks algorhitms into the field of plant pathology and precision agriculture.



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