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SLU Plant Protection Network

There are 118 pages tagged with SLU Nätverk växtskydd :

Innovative biocontrol and gene silencing in Trelleborg

Ramesh Vetukuri was invited to share the latest advances in spray-induced gene silencing (SIGS) and biocontrol with farmers and advisors in Trelleborg. – I was invited by Andreas Ekfrost, who is an

Vahideh gets award for her work on improving food security

Vahideh Rafieebanadaki has been recognized as an honorary member of the Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum award by the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative for her contributions to wheat research and

14th Conference of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology

cajsa.lithell@slu.se The 14th European Conference of Plant Pathology, will take place on 3-5 June 2025 in Uppsala, and is arranged by the Swedish Society for Plant Pathology. We look forward to

Different wavelengths of light can improve plant protection

Plant surfaces are not always a hospitable environment for beneficial bacteria that help protect plants from pests. However, in a new doctoral thesis, Maria Hellström has investigated how different

She Stress-Tests Trees to Assess Their Resilience to Future Climates

By exposing seedlings to drought and heat in climate chambers, researcher Leonie Schönbeck aims to determine how trees will cope in the future. “The need to better understand drought and heat

Beneficial bacteria help plants cope with drought stress

A synthetic microbial community affected both tomatoes and Arabidopsis plants positively when faced with drought. In addition, the treated plants had a richer and more diverse soil microbiome. In a

Matchmaking workshop SLU Forest Damage Centre

Matchmaking-workshop SLU Forest Damage Centre katja.fedrowitz@slu.se In connection with the current call from the SLU Forest Damage Centre, a matchmaking workshop is being organised for researchers

Transformative changes in agriculture through ecosystem services

Eirini Lamprini Daouti is one of the newest researchers at SLU Centre of Biological Control (CBC). In her research, she explores ways to sustain crop production both now and in the future. She does

Chloë works to promote biological pest control through crop diversification

Chloë Raderschall is one of the SLU Centre of Biological Control’s newest researchers. Chloë is an avid hiker, gardener and photographer who first got introduced to biological control methods through

She wants to protect wheat from a forgotten enemy

Wheat is one of the world's most important food staples, but with climate change, threats to the crop are increasing. The fungal disease stem rust can quickly turn entire wheat fields into rotting

CBC Highlights 2024

Over the past year, much has happened in research on biological control at SLU. Among other things, there are new findings on plant protection using nanotechnology, weed control, plant protection for

Maria Viketoft is the new Director of SLU Centre for biological control

As of January 1 2025, the SLU Centre for Biological Control (CBC) has a new Director. Maria Viketoft, a researcher at the Department of Ecology in Uppsala, takes over from Johan Stenberg. Maria
