Katarina Elofsson

Katarina Elofsson is a researcher in environmental economics. Her research is about international, national and regional environmental policy for water quality management, hunted wildlife, large carnivores, invasive species and climate. The studies have applications to agriculture, forestry and energy use. Her research deals with environmental policy, such as policies for water quality management, biodiversity, invasive species and wildlife management, carbon sequestration and climate policy, preservation of arable land, and multilevel governance in environmental policy.
Katarina works with one externally funded, ongoing research project: Pathways to climate friendly co-existence of food and bioenergy, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency.
Katarina supervises two doctoral students:
Bahre Kiros, with the PhD project Essays on the economics of climate change adaptation and natural resource use, and
Ida Nordin, with the PhD project Pathways to climate friendly co-existence of food and bioenergy.
Selected publications
Häggmark, T., & Elofsson, K. (2021). The Impact of Water Quality Management Policies on Innovation in Nitrogen and Phosphorus Technology. Water Economics and Policy, 2150002.
Elofsson, K., & Häggmark, T. (2021). The impact of lynx and wolf on roe deer hunting benefits in Sweden. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 1-37.
Lozano, J. E., Elofsson, K., & Surry, Y. (2021). Heterogeneous impacts of large carnivores on hunting lease prices. Land Use Policy, 101, 105215.
Lozano, J. E., Elofsson, K., Persson, J. & Kjellander, P. (2020). Valuation of large carnivores and regulated carnivore hunting. Journal of Forest Economics, 35(4): 337-373.
Brockwell, E. and Elofsson, K. 2020. The role of water quality for local environmental policy implementation. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 63(6): 1001-1021.
Mensah, J.T., Persson, J. Kjellander, P. and Elofsson, K. 2019. Effects of carnivore presence on hunting lease pricing in South Sweden. Forest Policy and Economics 106.
Häggmark Svensson, T. and Katarina Elofsson. 2019. The ex‐post cost‐effectiveness of nitrogen load reductions from nine countries to the Baltic Sea between 1996 and 2010. Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1029/2018WR023978.
Menichetti, L., Touzot, L. Elofsson, K., Hyvönen, R., Kätterer, T. and Kjellander, P. 2019. Interactions between a population of fallow deer (Dama dama), humans and crops in a managed composite temperate landscape in southern Sweden: conflict or opportunity? PLoS ONE 14(4):e0215594, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215594.
Widman, M., Steen, M. and Elofsson, K. 2019. Indirect Costs of Sheep Depredation by Large Carnivores in Sweden. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43(1):53–61. doi.org/10.1002/wsb.951
Konrad, M., Nielsen, H.Ø., Pedersen, A.B. and Elofsson, K. 2019. Drivers of farmers’ investments in nutrient abatement technologies in five Baltic Sea countries. Ecological Economics 59: 91-100.
Gren, I-M., Aklilu, A. and Elofsson, K. 2018. Forest carbon sequestration, pathogens and the costs of the EU’s 2050 climate targets. Forests 9(9): 542. DOI 10.3390/f9090542.
Gren, I-M., Häggmark, T., Elofsson, K. and Engelmann, M. 2018. Economics of wildlife management—an overview. European Journal of Wildlife Research 64(2), DOI 10.1007/s10344-018-1180-3.
Elofsson, K. and Gren, I-M. 2018. Cost-efficient climate policies for interdependent carbon pools. Environmental Modelling and Software 101: 86-101..
Widman, M. and Elofsson, K. 2018. Costs of Livestock Depredation by Large Carnivores in Sweden 2001 to 2013. Ecological Economics 143: 188–198.
Elofsson, K. 2017. Optimal strategies for inland and coastal water monitoring. In Swain, R.B. (ed.): Environmental Challenges in the Baltic Region. Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 77-104.
Elofsson, K., Mensah, J.T. and Kjellander, P. 2017. Optimal management of two ecologically interacting deer species – reality matters, beliefs don’t. Natural Resource Modeling, DOI: 10.1111/nrm.12137 (online).
Elofsson, K. and von Brömssen, C. 2017. The revealed preferences of Baltic Sea governments: goals, policy instruments, and implementation of nutrient abatement measures. Marine Pollution Bulletin 118(1–2): 188–196.
Mensah, J.T. and Elofsson, K. 2017. An empirical analysis of hunting lease pricing and value of game in Sweden. Land Economics 93(2): 292-308.
Gren, I-M. and Elofsson, K. 2017. Credit stacking in nutrient trading markets for the Baltic Sea. Marine Policy 79:1-7.
Münnich-Vass, M., Elofsson, K. 2016. Is forest sequestration at the expense of bioenergy and forest products cost-effective in EU climate policy to 2050? Journal of Forest Economics 24: 82 – 105.
Elofsson, K., Bengtsson, N., Matsdotter, E. and Arntyr, J. 2016. The impact of climate information on milk demand: Evidence from a field experiment. Food Policy 58: 14–23.
Elofsson, K. and Gren, I-M. 2015. Regulating invasive species with different life history. Journal of Bioeconomics 17(2): 113-136.
Gren, I-M., Elofsson, K., 2014. Economic effects of carbon sink management for the EU climate policy. Environmental Economics, 5: 27-42.
Hasler, B., Smart, J.C.R., Fonnesbech-Wulff, A., Andersen, H.E., Thodsen, H., Mathiesen, G., Smedberg, E., Göke, C., Czajkowski, M., Was, A., Elofsson, K., Humborg, C., Wolfsberg, A., Wulff, F. 2014. Hydro-economic modelling of cost-effective transboundary water quality management in the Baltic Sea. Water Resources and Economics 5: 1–23.
Wulff, F., Andersen, H.E., Blicher-Mathiesen, G., Czajkowski, M., Elofsson, K., Fonnesbech-Wulff, A. Hasler, B., Hong, B. Humborg, C., Jansons, V., Mörth, C-M., Smart, J.C.R., Smedberg, E., Stålnacke, P., Swaney, D.P., Thodsen, H., Was, A., Żylicz, T. 2014. Reduction of Baltic Sea Nutrient Inputs and Allocation of Abatement Costs within the Baltic Sea Catchment. Ambio 43(1):11-25.
Elofsson, K. 2014. Climate change and regulation of nitrogen loads under moral hazard. European Review of Agricultural Economics 41(2): 327-351.
Münnich-Vass, M., Elofsson, K. and Gren, I-M. 2013. An equity assessment of introducing uncertain forest sinks in the EU climate policy. Energy Policy 61:1432–1442.
Gren, I-M., Elofsson, K., Lundberg, M. 2013. Värdet av kolsänka i den europeiska klimatpolitiken. Ekonomisk Debatt 3:55-64.
Gren, I-M, Carlsson, M., Elofsson, K., Münnich, M. 2012. Stochastic carbon sinks for combating carbon dioxide emissions in the EU. Energy Economics 34(5):1523-1531.
Elofsson, K. Bengtsson, G. and Gren, I-M. 2012. Optimal management of invasive species with different reproduction and survival strategies. Natural Resource Modeling 25(1):599-628.
Elofsson, K. 2012. Swedish Nutrient Reduction Policies: An Evaluation of Cost-Effectiveness. Regional Environmental Change 12(1): 225-235
Elofsson, K. 2011. Delegation of Decision-Rights for Wetlands. Environmental and Resource Economics, 50(2):285-303
Elofsson, K. 2010. Cost-effectiveness of the Baltic Sea Action Plan. Marine Policy 34(5):1043-1050.
Elofsson, K. 2010. The costs of meeting the environmental objectives for the Baltic Sea: a review of the literature. Ambio 39(1):49-58.
Kataria, M., Elofsson, K. and Hasler. B. 2010. Distributional Assumptions in Chance Constrained Programming Models of Stochastic Water Pollution. Environmental Modelling & Assessment 15(4):273-281.
Elofsson, K. 2007. Cost uncertainty and unilateral abatement. Environmental and Resource Economics 36:143-162.
Elofsson, K. 2006. Control of interdependent water pollutants. Environmental Management 37(1):54-68.
Gren, I-M. and Elofsson, K. 2004. Beräkning av kostnader för minskad kvävebelastning på Egentliga Östersjön. Vatten 60:85-94.
Elofsson, K. and Gren, I-M. 2004. Kostnadseffektivitet i svensk miljöpolitik för Östersjön – en utvärdering. Ekonomisk Debatt 3:57-68.
Elofsson, K., Gren, I-M., Folmer, H. 2003. Management of eutrophicated coastal ecosystems: a synopsis of the literature with emphasis on theory and methodology. Ecological Economics 47(1):1-11.
Elofsson, K. 2003. Cost efficient reductions of stochastic agricultural loads to the Baltic Sea. Ecological Economics 47(1):13-31.
Gren, I-M. Elofsson, K. and Jannke, P. 1997. Cost-effective nutrient reductions to the Baltic Sea. Environmental and Resource Economics 10(4):341-64.