Helena Eriksson

I work as an environmental advisor at Sida's Helpdesk for Environment and Climate Change. The Helpdesk aims to contribute to increased integration of environmental and climate perspectives in all sectors and countries within Swedish development cooperation. This is a collaboration between SLU - Division of Environmental Integration, Department of Urban and Rural Devlopment - and Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development, GU.
The day-to-day work depends on incoming assignments from Sida. It can be about analysis, evaluation and compilation of facts and policies in the environmental and climate change area; methods and advice to Sida for integration of these aspects, capacity building and partnership development.
I am a biologist (MSc from Uppsala and Oxford University; Licentiate from the Department of Ecology, SLU - environmental effects of insecticides used for control of desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria). My work has focused on humanitarian support and development cooperation in sustainable natural resource management and climate issues. I have mainly been based abroad in partner countries such as Botswana, Namibia, Niger, Sudan and the West Bank and Gaza Strip, or provided country support from headquarters (FAO / UN, World Bank, IUCN and WWF International).