Entomology is the scientific study of insects, a branch of zoology.
Elodie Le Souchu
elodie.le.souchu@slu.se Elodie Le Souchu is a postdoctoral researcher in forest entomology at the Conservation Unit of the Department of Ecology (SLU, Uppsala). She works on insect communities and
Electra Lennartsson
electra.lennartsson@slu.se PhD candidate in the Department of Crop Production Ecology. Working on the N2CROP project in collaboration with Aarhus University in Denmark. Main supervisor: Martin
Biodiversity Challenge 2024
Biodiversity Challenge 2024 cecilia.nordstrom@slu.se On May 2, Biodiversity Challenge 2024 kicks off. The contest, internationally known as Biodiversity Challenge for ICA members, is a
Diss Sokha Kheam
Insect-plant interactions within cultivar mixtures: volatile plant communication as an underlying mechanism charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Sokha Kheam defends his thesis "Insect-plant interactions
Velemir Ninkovic
mw-red@slu.se Senior Lecturer and External Collaboration Specialist in plant protection with emphasis on integrated pest management in agriculture Research interests My research area within
Gersey Vargas
gersey.vargas.rivera@slu.se Gersey Vargas is a PhD researcher that is addressing questions related to how horse grazing shapes the insect and plant communities of semi-natural grasslands. He is
Xinyan Ruan
xinyan.ruan@slu.se I am a PhD student working on the immunity of honeybees. I am originally from China, where I obtained my first bachelor's degree in Plant Protection and minor degree in Applied
Nolan J Rappa
nolan.rappa@slu.se Postdoctor at the department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies researching forest insect pollinator communities. I am interested in (but not limited to) forest insect
Beatrice Tolio
beatrice.tolio@slu.se PhD student at Skogforsk and SLU on ash dieback and breeding for resistance The goal of my PhD is to support the development of a highly resistant population of European ash (
Albin Larsson Ekström
albin.larsson.ekstrom@slu.se Doctoral student in restoration ecology. Investigating responses of deadwood-associated species to restoration measures in pine and deciduous forests. My research
Cassandra Vogel
cassandra.vogel@slu.se I'm a postdoc researching the resilience of biological pest control to climate change. To do this, I explore the climatic niches of natural enemy communities, and how natural
Gabriele Greco
gabriele.greco@slu.se Hi! I’m a scientist with a background in physics and materials science. I love to explore and tackle scientific topics from a multidisciplinary perspective. My