CV page

Daniel Bergquist

Researcher in Landscape Architecture. Systems analysis and regenerative design


Areas of interest 

Systems theory and -analysis

Regenerative design

Sustainable (urban) development

Circular food systems

Inter- and trans-disciplinarity 

Strategic and urban planning

Participatory learning and action research


MX0151 – Future food systems - trends and strategies for sustainable food. 

LK0350 – Values that govern planning, design and management of landscapes. 

LK0364 – Project Management for Landscape Engineers 2

EX0860 – Independent Project in Landscape Architecture, Landscape Architecture Programme

MX0102 Interdisciplinary Practice. 

Teaching in the master programmes Landscape Architecture and Sustainable Development 

(Previous): lecturer and responsible teacher, master program in urban and regional planning, human geography, geography and sustainable development, Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University. 

Teaching, course development and examination at Centre for Environment and Development Studies (Cemus), and master programme in sustainable development, Uppsala University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).


Regenerative urban development. Applied research and collaboration with City of Uppsala. Case studies in Gunsta and the southeastern district. 

EmLCA of the urban district Rosendal. Interdisciplinary sustainability assessment and methodological development for combined emergy- and life cycle analysis. 

Sustainability assessment of circular food systems.  

Systems Landscapes: A critical systems approach to urban sustainability (SysLa), Formas 2016-2019. Interdisciplinary research project to critically analyze if sustainability ambitions in urban districts result in quantifiable progression towards overall resource efficiency. 

GloPat - Global Patterns of Production and Consumption: Current Problems and Future Possibilities, Swedish Research Council (VR), 2008-2011. Interdisciplinary research project I cooperation between researchers at SOL and CSD Uppsala. Participatory research and systems analysis, interdisciplinary case studies in Brazil (bio fuels; ethanol) and Chile (salmon farming and coastal/artisanal fisheries). 

SusUrbia – Sustainable urban life beyond peak oil, Swedish Research Council (VR), 2008-2010. Postdoctoral research on urban agriculture in community gardens; participatory research and systems analysis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Guest researchers at University of Florida, USA, and State University of Campinas, Brazil.
PhD project, 2004-2008. Participatory research and systems analyses in interdisciplinary/comparative case stuies of aquaculture; shrimp farming vs. integrated shrimp- and fish farming in Sri Lanka and the Philippines. 


Systems analysis and planning tools for sustainable urban development,  2014-2016. Madeleine Granvik, Per Berg. Applied research and systems analyses in interdisciplinary project sustainable urban districts from a systems perspective.



PhD in human geography, programme for applied environmental impact asessment, Uppsala University


Supervision of students at basic, bachelor, master and licentiate levels in human geography, geography, systems ecology, agro ecology, environmental science and sustainable development 

Selected publications

Bergquist, D., Garcia-Caro, D., Joosse, S., Granvik, M. and Peniche, F. (2020). The Sustainability of Living in a “Green” Urban District: An Emergy Perspective. Sustainability 2020, 12(14), 5661.

Maassen, J., Rydberg, T. and Bergquist, D. (2020). The Environmental Support to Food Preparation and Diets in a “Green” Urban District. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management 8(1) (2020) pp. 54-70. L&H Scientific Publishing.

Bergquist, D., Hempel, C. and Lööf-Gren, J. (2019). Bridging the Gap between Theory and Design: a Proposal for Regenerative Campus Development at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Ultuna, Sweden. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education Vol. 20 No. 3, 2019 pp. 548-567. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Bergquist, D. and Hedfors, P. (2018). Design Criteria for Regenerative Systems Landscapes. Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, 30 (3), pp.107-134.

Bergquist, D. A., Cavalett, O., and Rydberg, T. (2012). Participatory emergy synthesis of integrated food and biofuel production: a case study from Brazil. Environment, Development and Sustainability 14:2:167-182, Springer.

Bergquist, D. A. (2012). Emergy Synthesis of Urban Agriculture in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Emergy Synthesis 6, Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Emergy Research Conference, pp. 253-264. University of Florida, Gainesville, USA.

Bergquist, D. A., Ingwersen, W. and Liebenow, D. K. (2012). Emergy in labor – approaches for evaluating embodied knowledge. Emergy Synthesis 6, Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Emergy Research Conference. University of Florida, Gainesville, USA.

Lagerberg Fogelberg, C., and Bergquist, D.A. (2012). Small scale community-based management of marine resources vs. large scale industrial aquaculture in Chile. Emergy Synthesis 6, Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Emergy Research Conference. University of Florida, Gainesville, USA. 

Bergquist, D. A., and Rydberg, T. (2009). Towards a Transdisciplinary Understanding of Emergy Accumulation.  Emergy Synthesis 5, Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 5th Biennial Emergy Research Conference, pp. 15-22. University of Florida, Gainesville, USA.

Bergquist, D. A. (2008). Colonised Coasts. Aquaculture and emergy flows in the world system: Cases from Sri Lanka and the Philippines. PhD thesis, Geografiska Regionstudier 77, Dept. of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University.

Alarcón, C., Bergquist, D., Bjureby, E., Friman, E., Gallardo, G., Hajdu, F., Jacobson, K., Johansson, S., Lagerberg Fogelberg, C., Rydberg, T. (2008). Understanding Global Patterns of Production and Consumption: Prospects of an Interdisciplinary Approach In B. Frostell, Å. Danielsson, L. Hagberg, B.-O. Linnér, E. Lisberg Jensen, eds. Science for Sustainable Development - The Social Challenge with emphasis on conditions for change, Uppsala: VHU, p. 15-21.

Bergquist, D. A. (2008). Sustainability and Local People’s Participation in Aquaculture: Experiences from Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Journal of National Aquatic Resources and Development Agency. Volume 39. NARA, Sri Lanka.

Bergquist, D. A. (2007). Sustainability and local people’s participation in coastal aquaculture: Regional differences and historical experiences in Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Environmental Management 40:5:787-802, Springer.


