CV page

Annie Drottberger

Annie Drottberger
I am a lecturer and hold a PhD in Horticultural Science especially Business Administration at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, the Department of Biosystems and Technology in Alnarp, Sweden. My PhD project involved adoption of knowledge and innovations in sustainable horticultural production systems.


My educational background is a M.Sc. in Horticulture and a B.Sc. in Business administration from 2005 at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Prior experiences include working as an agricultural consultant at the provincial government 2006 - 2007 with business support and EU subsidies. I have also worked as a business developer at The Federation of Swedish Farmers during 2008-2018 focusing on the regional food strategy and sustainability concerns. 


Annie Drottberger is involved in teaching and supervision in the following courses in BSc and MSc in horticulture and MSc in agroecology:

Product development and innovation systems in horticulture - FÖ0435
Project management for innovation in sustainable food systems - LV0102
Scientific methods, tools and thesis writing - LB0112
Integrated pest management for sustainable production systems - BI1267
Maten i dagens och morgondagens samhälle - TD0008
Odlingssystem i trädgårdsföretag - BI1362
Horticultural production physiology - BI1362
Produktion och vidareförädling av frukt, bär och vin - BI1306
Teknologi, mark och klimat för odling - TN0327
Odling och kvalitet hos trädgårdsprodukter - TD0010
Horticultural Systems and Future Challenges - BI1309


I am currently involved in research on adoption of innovations and knowledge in horticultural firms in different production systems focusing on high-tech greenhouse production, PFAL (Plant Factories with Artificial Lighting) and rooftop farming. The research interests include transition to a more sustainable food system from a socio-technical perspective.

Erasmus Newclim project: “New trainings to manage climate & ecological transitions in perennial fruit crops” (4,3 millions SEK). Collaboration between EU universities from France, Sweden, Germany and Chile focusing on integrating the climate transition and smarter practices in production of apples and grapes. In 2023-2026.

Involved in the regional SLF project: “Getting the pea to the plate: Removing obstacles for production of legumes for food in Skåne” (1,6 millions SEK). The aim of the project is to identify the most important reasons why the production of Swedish-grown legume for man consumption are low, and propose measures to overcome these obstacles. In 2023-2025.

Involved in the project Ekotop (79 000 SEK) with literature review on rooftop farming and energy issues with colleagues at Department of Biosystems and Technology. In 2021.

Involved in the regional SLF project: More ley in arable cropping systems for climate efficient primary production with Partnership Alnarp and colleagues at the Department of Biosystems and Technology. In 2020-2023


I am collaboration coordinator at SLU Partnership Alnarp subject group horticulture since 2024.


I have a background from the industry with experience from working at the County Administrative Board of Jämtland and the Federation of Swedish farmers with business development in agriculture for the past 12 years. I have also been a driving force in strategic work linked to the EU rural development programme, Leader, the food strategy and bioeconomy.


I have supervised several BSc and MSc students in horticultural science and agroecology often focusing on qualitative research methods and interview studies. 

Publications list: