27 Nov

Lennart Kennes hall, Biocentrum Ultuna and zoom, Uppsala

The ambiguous nature of hope How a discourse of hope shapes the communicative conditions for exploring challenges in the circular economy transition

dissertations |

Therese Åhlvik defends her thesis "The ambiguous nature of hope How a discourse of hope shapes the communicative conditions for exploring challenges in the circular economy transition" on 27th of November 2023

All interested are welcome to take part in the public defense online


Link to thesis: https://publications.slu.se/?file=publ/show&id=126514&lang=en
Author / Respondent: MSc Therese Åhlvik
External reviewer / Opponent: Professor Linda Soneryd, inst för humanoria, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap Örebro universitet Örebro Sweden
Time: 2023-11-27 13:00
City: Uppsala
Location: Lennart Kennes hall, Biocentrum Ultuna and zoom
Organiser: Department of Urban and Rural Development
Additional info:


Please contact Lotten.Westberg@slu.se  for online address and login information to the public defense 
