Here is a list of dissertations, from our events calendar.
Dissertation Svenja Horstmann
The impact of traffic, management and landscape on flower-visiting insects and plants in road verges charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Svenja Horstmann defends her thesis "The impact of traffic,
Dissertation Carl Vigren
Pushing the envelope : empirical growth models for forests at change charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Carl Vigren defends his thesis "Pushing the envelope : empirical growth models for forests at change"
Diss Helen Zewdie Kine
Assessment of digital technology application in intermodal freight transport A low-income country perspective charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Helen Zewdie Kine defends her thesis "Assessment of digital
Diss Solja Pietiäinen
Modification of wheat bran arabinoxylan extracts for functional properties in breadmaking charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Solja Pietiäinen defends her thesis "Modification of wheat bran arabinoxylan
Dissertation Ritwika Mukhopadhyay
Forest Attribute Prediction and Mapping using 3D Remote Sensing Data charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Ritwika Mukhopadhyay defends her thesis "Forest Attribute Prediction and Mapping using 3D Remote
Dissertation Olov Tranberg
Habitat on the move : translocation of deadwood and associated species as a novel conservation tool charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Olov Tranberg defends his thesis "Habitat on the move: translocation
Dissertation Olov Tranberg
Habitat on the move : translocation of deadwood and associated species as a novel conservation tool charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Olov Tranberg defends his thesis "Habitat on the move : translocation
Dissertation Olov Tranberg
Habitat on the move : translocation of deadwood and associated species as a novel conservation tool charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Olov Tranberg defends his thesis "Habitat on the move : translocation
Diss_Shoujiao Li
Intercropping perennial cereal and legumes for improving biological soil health and microbial drought resilience lotta.malmborg@slu.se Shoujiao Li, Department of Biosystems and Technology, defends
Diss Kristina Holmström
How to make money. Profitability in pasture and forage based Swedish beef production. sofia.webering.ekberg@slu.se Kristina Holmström defends her thesis: How to make money. Profitability in pasture
Diss_Violet Akech
Genetic improvement of bananas for East Africa lotta.malmborg@slu.se Violet Akech, Department of Plant Breeding, defends the thesis "Genetic improvement of bananas for East Africa". All
Diss Alberto Zannella
Linking land-use management and aquatic carbon Effects of forestry and peatland rewetting charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Alberto Zannella defends his thesis "Linking land-use management and aquatic