14 Jun
16 Jun


DevRes 2021 Advancing Sustainable Transformation

Meeting the grand challenges of our time requires societal transformation. Our research is increasingly influenced by the 2030 Agenda with its seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), not least when aiming to improve conditions in low-resource settings.

Research for development covers a broad range of topics and approaches which generates knowledge that benefits sustainable development. An understanding of interconnected systems and processes is necessary in order to respond to challenges and attain synergies between sectors and actors.

This conference aims to provide a creative forum for researchers, policy makers, practitioners, funders, and other stakeholders on how research for development can contribute to transformation for sustainability. DevRes 2021 will link theory, research, real-life practice and explore the complex interrelations between the various dimensions (like social, economic, environmental and more) of sustainability to advance research for development in the SDG era.

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This conference is organised by

Umeå University
Swedish Research Council


Time: 2021-06-14 - 2021-06-16
City: Umeå