For doctoral students and supervisors at the LTV faculty

Last changed: 02 May 2024

Page for doctoral students, supervisors and course leaders for PhD courses at the LTV faculty. Links to rules, procedures and forms are collected on this page.

LTV Faculty procedures for third-cycle (doctoral) education 220210_en.pdf

More information for course organizers and about courses is found on the web page for the Research School at the Faculty Spira.

Doctoral student or supervisor

Portal pages on the staff web:  portal for doctoral student and supervisors with useful information.

Forms are available on the university form's page.

Checklist public defence for dept. VSB, VF, BT

Guide - administrative introduction and administrative handling of an SLU-employed doctoral student

If you are a doctoral student, it may be good to know your rights and responsibilities. The PhD Student Council can help you find answers to some of your questions and it is a part of ASK, which is the Students' union.

If you are a supervisor it may be good to know the supervisor's responsibilities and requirements.

Doctoral education subjects

Doctoral education subjects at the LTV Faculty for PhD students admitted after Jan 1, 2016 (decided by the LTV Faculty Board 2015-11-04, 2015-12-16 and 2017-08-30)

1. Agricultural Science with the possibility of one of the following specializations: Work Science, Building Technology, Business Administration, Product Quality, Plant Breeding, Crop Production, Plant Protection Biology.

2. Horticulture Science with the possibility of one of the following specializations: Work Science, Business Administration, Product Quality, Plant Breeding, Crop Production, Plant Protection Biology.

3. Landscape Architecture with the possibility of one of the following specializations: Landscape Analysis, Landscape Planning, Environmental Psychology, Vegetation and Management

4. Biology with the possibility of one of the following specializations: Chemical Ecology, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Breeding, Plant Protection Biology.

5. Technology with the possibility of one of the following specializations: Work Science, Building Technology, Crop Production

Read more about doctoral education subjects at SLU.

LTV routines for creating a preliminary digital ISP

Information about the ISP and log in to the ISP portal

Questions about the ISP portal contact

1. A preliminary ISP is created by the intended principal supervisor in the ISP portal. The preliminary ISP is used by the head of department and the faculty in the process on deciding on admission on a new doctoral student. 

2. When the principal supervisor is ready he/she sends the preliminary ISP to the head of department for review and approval prior to the application for admission to the faculty.

3. If the head of department approves the ISP, it is forwarded to the faculty's director of studies for review.

4. The principal supervisor prints the ISP and adds it to the admission documents.

5. After a decision on admission has been made by the faculty board, the faculty administrator at the faculty office fills in the date of admission and SLU ID in the ISP.

6. After the doctoral student has been admitted and started his/her studies, the doctoral student and principal supervisor have three months to complete the ISP with, among other things, the date of study start (if it differs from the date of admission) and commitments for the doctoral student and supervisor for the coming year.

7. Then it is the head of department's turn to evaluate the proposal for ISP for year 1. If he/she approves ISP, a pdf copy of the document is sent to Public360 for digital approval by the doctoral student, principal supervisor and head of department. Then the document is automatically archived in Public360.

8. An automatic email will be sent to the faculty study director for information that a new ISP has been decided.

9. An ISP draft for year 2 is created automatically in the ISP portal when the pdf copy is sent for signing and archiving, and the main supervisor and doctoral student can start revising this ISP draft whenever they wish.

LTV routines for annual update of the digital ISP

Information about the ISP and log in to the ISP portal

Questions regarding the ISP system contact

1. An ISP draft is automatically created in the ISP portal when a pdf copy of previous year's ISP is sent for approval and archiving in Public360.

2. The principal supervisor and doctoral student can edit the ISP whenever they wish. The ISP must be updated at least once a year.

3. When the principal supervisor and doctoral student consider themselves finished with updating the ISP, the principal supervisor sends the ISP to the head of department for review and approval. If he/she approves the ISP, it is sent to Public360 for digital approval by the doctoral student, principal supervisor and head of department and is then archived in Public360.

4. An email is sent automatically to the faculty study director that a new ISP has been decided.

5. An ISP for the following year is automatically created in the ISP portal when a copy of previous year's ISP is sent for approval and archiving in Public360.

Information on prolongation

Different tasks (for example teaching or union work) will make the doctoral student entitled to prolongation of the doctoral study time. If you have any questions about the routines for this at faculty level, please contact Lotta Malmborg at the LTV faculty office. Application form

Prolongation can also take place at central SLU level (depending on the assignment in question). An application form for extension of study time at central SLU level. For more information about this, contact Lotta Jäderlund.

Contact persons at the departments

Faculty directors of study:

Helene Larsson Jönsson, responsible for doctoral education subjects in Science and Technology.

Åsa Klintborg Ahlklo, responsible for doctoral education subjects in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Doctoral studies coordinators/deputy heads of deparment for doctoral studies:

Plant Protection Biology: Peter Anderson

Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management: Kristina Blennow

Biosystems and Technology: Helene Larsson Jönsson

Plant breeding: Li-Hua Zhu 

Department of Work Science, Business Economics and Environmental Psychology: Caroline Hägerhäll 

Read more about the miminum requirements for responsibilities and rights delegated to doctoral studies coordinators/deputy heads of department for doctoral studies at the LTV-faculty. 

Members of the doctoral education committee at the LTV faculty (FUN-LTV)


  • Åsa Lankinen, chair, vice dean doctoral education
  • Helene Larsson Jönsson, member, faculty director of study
  • Åsa Klintborg Ahlklo, member, faculty director of study
  • Mulatu Geleta Dida, member
  • Paul Egan, member
  • Vera Vicenzotti, member
  • Alejandro Barrios Latorre, doctoral student representative
  • Mohammed Elsafy, doctoral student representative
  • Mahboobeh Yazdani, doctoral student representative

Co-opted members:

  • Camilla Söderquist, library representative
  • Tomas Österman, research officer
  • Lotta Malmborgsecretary


Chair person of the doctoral education committee (FUN-LTV): Åsa Lankinen (vice dean for doctoral education) Phone: 040-41 5367. 

Faculty directors of doctoral education:
Helene Larsson Jönsson, Department of Biosystems and Technology,  Phone: 040-415370. Responsible for doctoral education subjects in Science and Technology.

Åsa Klintborg Ahlklo, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management. Phone: 040-415421. Responsible for doctoral education subjects in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Administrator at the faculty office: Lotta Malmborg, LTV faculty office, Box 55, 230 53 Alnarp, phone: 040-41 50 25 Secretary of the doctoral education committee (FUN-LTV).