Guide: Creating data descriptions in the SLU environmental data catalogue

Last changed: 02 July 2024

SLU's environmental data catalogue contains openly available data from SLU's environmental monitoring and assessment. The following guide describes how to create and edit data description pages for the catalogue.

SLU employees working with environmental monitoring data can create and edit data description pages themselves, but Miljödatastöd, which manages the catalogue, must approve the pages before they are published. The pages can be created using a web form, or with a word template.


Logging in

To create and edit data description pages, you must log in with your SLU account (AD user).

Go to the login page (opens in a new window).

Create and edit data descriptions in English

It is currently not possible to create new pages or edit pages in English using the web form. Instead, contact and we will  help you. Please use the Word template for new pages and major revisions.

See the Swedish version of this page for information on how to create a new data description in Swedish.

Instructions for specific fields

Here we have collected more information, tips and examples for specific fields. If you are wondering about any field that is not included here, do not hesitate to contact us (


The reference can be for, for example, a database or a publication. Use SLU's Harvard style and follow the library's instructions (see the "Dataset" section).


Oakley, C.G., Savage, L., Lotz S., Larson, G.R., Thomashow, M.F., Kramer, D.M. & Schemske, D.W. (2018). Data from: Genetic basis of photosynthetic responses to cold in two locally adapted populations of Arabidopsis thaliana. Dryad Digital Repository.
Snäll, T. & Mair, L. (2018). Species distribution modelling data for Phellinus ferrugineofuscus. Swedish National Data Service. Version 1.0.

Related datasets

Links to other data descriptions. Related means, for example, that the same methodology/design or (partially) the same sampling sites are used. Links should have a title/text, not just a URL. Not required.


Should you need help filling in the data description form, do not hesitate to contact Miljödatastöd via e-mail ( You are also welcome to contact us with general views and suggestions regarding the environmental data catalogue.


The Unit for Data Management Guidance and Development

The Unit for Data Management Guidance and Development is part of DMS, a division of the SLU Univeristy Library that assists everyone at SLU with the management, publication and long-term preservation of research and environmental monitroing data, the creation of data management plans, and other data management issues.