
IPCC calls for nominations

Published: 18 March 2025

There is now an opportunity open for those of you who have a broad knowledge of climate change and related issues to register your interest to contribute to the working groups for the IPCC's seventh assessment report. You can express your interest in being nominated as lead author, coordinating lead author or review editor. Deadline is 31 March 2025.

Expression of interest goes via the IPCC National Contact Point.

Attach your CV and completed nomination form. You will find the nomination forms in the respective working group description below. Both nomination forms and CVs should be written in English. You are expected to be clear about which chapter or roles you want to be nominated for in the nomination forms, as well as how you can contribute to this with your specific expertise. Also be sure to follow the instructions in the nomination form.

It is an advantage if your CV begins with a brief description of how you can contribute to the chapters you have registered for in the nomination form, and your experience of similar roles.

Please note that the CV should be in PDF format and that the CV may be a maximum of four pages and a maximum of 2 Mb.

E-mail your expression of interest to no later than March 31st.

Detailed description of how to contribute as lead author or coordinating lead author on IPCC website.

Nomination forms to the three working groups' contributions

The seventh assessment report from IPCC contains of contributions from the three working groups:

  • Working group 1 (WGI): assess the science about climate systems and climate change. 

Nomination form working group 1.Excel, 61.5 kB.

  • Working group 2 (WGII): assess science, technology, environmental and socioeconomic vulnerability in connection to climate change, its effects and possibilities to climate adaptation.

Nomination form working group 2. Excel, 61.5 kB.

  • Working group 3 (WGIII): assess scientific, technological, environmental and socioeconomic possibilities to mitigate climate change. 

Nomination form working group 3. Excel, 61.4 kB.

Information is taken from SMHI website (Swedish). Follow link to read more.

Support for SLU author contributions to IPCC reports

Support is also available for SLU researchers to engage in authorship duties with IPCC – which may range from future Assessment Reports to special reports on specific topics. Read more here...