
A year with many records

Published: 24 February 2023
Big House

2022 was a good year for the forestry department in Alnarp. There were several different records: the number of scientific publications, the number of students and the number of doctoral students.

This is evident from the annual report. In addition, the researchers received several significant research facilities.

The five largest were:

  •  Diversifying forests to ensure their resilience and multifunctionality: 10 million SEK from Formas.

  • New methods for more diversified and broadleaf-dominated continuous-cover forestry: 10 million SEK from Formas.

  • Co-creation of extension services and planning for diversified silviculture in family forests: 10 million SEK from Formas.

  • Efficient value chains through ash fertilization of fast-growing broadleaves: 5 million SEK from the Swedish Energy Agency.

  • Wetland forests’ restoration benefits to biodiversity and carbon sinks: 4 million SEK from Formas.

- It will be a fantastic platform for new interesting research and partners, sayes Magnus Löf , head of department.

Among the courses, the new bachelor's program Forest and Landscape has had a flying start, with far more applicants than the number of places. In 2022, the second year began, which contributed to over 100 students in the department's courses.

Read the full annual report
