
Find out how SLU’s publications contribute to Agenda 2030

Published: 09 June 2020
 Associations between SLU's publications and the global goals. Illustration.

Which publications does SLU contribute to the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030? Through a dynamic search analysis, you can get an overview of the accessibility, visibility and the societal impact of SLU’s publications for each of the global goals. You can also explore the collaborations that the SLU publications build on. This service is under development and your feedback can make it more accurate.

So far, the search analyses comprise seven of the global goals, and more will be added along the way. The search analyses clarify SLU’s profile concerning the global goals, that is the extent of SLU’s research output on the goals and their societal impact.

“It is exciting and inspiring to dive into these analyses – I feel proud of the great breadth and societal impact of the knowledge generated at SLU”, says Ylva Hillbur, pro vice-chancellor for international relations and Agenda 2030 at SLU.

Shows societal impact and collaborations

For each global goal, the share of open access publications is shown as well as the societal impact over time. The measure of societal impact builds on altmetric information such as mentions of the publications on Wikipedia, blogs, social media, patent databases, policy documents, etc.

A graphic representation shows the affiliation of the universities and organisations that have co-authored SLU publications connected to a global goal. This knowledge can for instance support discussions within SLU on strategic partnerships at different levels.

Large volume of publications within Life on land

The largest number of publications is currently found in connection to the global goal Life on land (goal 15). Here, 1450 publications are listed, of which about 48 percent are available as open access. The search analysis reveals that so far, 2018 is the top year for the number of mentions outside science and that Wageningen University & Research is our most frequent co-publisher on topics related to the Life on land goal.

“Compared to most other universities that have made this type of analysis, and compared to global analyses, SLU has a large volume of publications connected to the global goal Life on land”, explains Agneta Lindsten at the SLU Library. She has developed the service together with her colleagues and is responsible for the search analyses.

Missing publications on the list? Get in touch!

Because of the nature of the global goals, it is not possible to define comprehensive search strategies for them. To improve the accuracy of the analyses, the SLU Library is now asking researchers for feedback.

“If you see that relevant publications are missing from the lists, please let us know as we want them to be as comprehensive as possible. Comments, questions and other feedback are most welcome”, says Agneta Lindsten.