
Call for posters to the conference “One Health. One Planet.”

Published: 04 December 2020
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Universities Fighting World Hunger, UFWH, invites all students, PhD students, researchers and other staff at SLU to participate with posters in their virtual conference in March 2021. The focus for the conference is "One Health. One Planet." – the connection between food, human heath and the state of the Earth.

Universities Fighting World Hunger (UFWH) is a coalition of more than 300 universities to fight hunger and their 2021 Summit is dedicated to "One Health. One Planet." All students, PhD students, researchers and other staff at SLU is invited to submit abstracts for posters to the conference.

The two-fold focus for the conference are research and creative initiatives either to reduce hunger and improve general population health on both a local and global scale, or food system and agricultural aspects of climate change. 

The University of California Davis is host and to participate is free of charge.