SLU news

New buildings approved

Published: 03 May 2017

During their latest meeting, the SLU Board approved the construction of two new buildings.

One is a greenhouse in Umeå that will be used by the Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC). The centre needs to build an automatic phenotyping platform for large-scale characterisation of genetically modified hybrid aspen. The UPSC have received funding from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation to cover the cost of the build, which is carried out by Akademiska hus with SLU as the responsible authority. The grant will primarily consist of SEK 48 million but there is a chance of continued funding for the project. The greenhouse will have an area of 250 to 300 square metres.

The other building decision concerns an upgrade as well as a new construction of the cattle stables at Götala. The cost comes to just under SEK 20 million, which means the project requires the government’s permission.
