Staff Survey 2024

Between 22 January and 2 February 2024, SLU will be carrying out the staff survey once again. Those who responded to the 2021 survey will be familiar with the setup. However, this time there is a slight difference – there will be more questions on discrimination, meaning some of the previous questions have been removed to prevent the survey from becoming too expansive.
Content on this page:
Why conduct a staff survey?
About the survey
Frequently asked questions
The results
Why conduct a staff survey?
The work environment is all around us, and we all impact each other’s work environment in some way. Our health is also affected by things such as being able to take regular breaks at work, a colleague’s use of master suppression techniques, access to professional development, or poor office lighting. Our work environment can be critical to our satisfaction and performance at work. By participating in the 2024 staff survey, you provide a vital contribution to making a difference in your workplace.
The survey is the first step of the four-stage systematic work environment management and active measures in work with equal opportunities. It provides the basis for continual, long-term efforts to ensure SLU is a good place to work. Focus is on a structural – not individual – level.
The survey period is brief and the result presents an up to date picture of this period. The questions are roughly the same as in previous staff surveys, enabling us to follow the results over time and see whether the improvement measures implemented have made a difference.
About the survey
The survey looks at four areas
- The work climate: Staff experiences of the psychosocial work environment, looking at elements such as participation, influence, social support and workload. Is there a risk of discrimination?
- Leadership: How do staff feel about the way their managers run their organisation? Do staff have confidence in their managers and see them as role models? Do managers help with staff development? Do managers make their staff feel appreciated and provide feedback?
- The organisation: How successful is SLU regarding culture, information flows and fair treatment?
- Goals and strategy: How do staff view and contribute to the organisation’s tasks and goals?
Additional background questions will be asked together with some concluding questions.
The survey will be conducted online and can be answered using a computer, tablet or mobile device.
Who can respond?
All staff who, at the time of the survey:
- are working a minimum of 40% of full-time
- have been employed by SLU for the past six months
- are doctoral students funded by scholarships who have conducted active studies over the past six months
- are post docs receiving a postdoctoral scholarship and have been active over the past six months
- are or have been on sick leave or parental leave for up to three months during the past 12 months.
Those who are on a leave of absence will not participate in the staff survey.
Eligible participants will be emailed a personal link to the survey. SLU works with the Quicksearch analytics company that specialises in questionnaires. Survey responses will be stored and processed by Quicksearch. All respondents will remain anonymous.
Naturally, the survey may be answered during working hours.
How were the survey questions developed?
Creating a staff survey is a complex task, which is why we enlisted the help of Quicksearch. They have extensive experience and are responsible for the Insight Model, which has been validated and adapted to legislation with focus on the organisational and social work environments.
SLU has adapted some of the questions and added more about discrimination. The index questions that measure work climate, leadership, organisation, goals and strategies are the same. This enables us to compare the responses with those from previous surveys and with other higher education institutions that work with Quicksearch.
SLU management and the central work environment committee are involved in the work with the staff survey. Other groups have participated in the preparatory work, including a reference group comprising the chief safety representative, health and safety representative and managers.
The responses form the basis for discussions between managers and their staff. At the Division of Human Resources, we recommend that managers enlist their health and safety representatives when working with the results. This work may include information beyond that included in the survey responses, providing an indication of where to begin – not the answer to the problem.
Staff are guaranteed full anonymity.
- No responses are sent directly to SLU, instead they are sent to Quicksearch who are behind the survey.
- All data will be stored in a Quicksearch database.
- All traffic to and from the servers will be encrypted.
- Nobody at SLU has access to the respondent’s email address or IP number.
- All respondents must use a one-time authorisation code. This code is personal and changes regularly.
- All survey communication is automatic and reminders are auto-generated.
- Group results with distribution will only be presented if there are a minimum of eight respondents.
- For groups of 5–7, only the mean value/degree of satisfaction will be presented for each question.
- If there are fewer than 5 responses, no group will be presented. However, responses will be included in the total.
- Line managers will be able to see all free-form responses, but they will not be able to see who has answered.
- Quicksearch will translate any English responses into Swedish.
Preparatory work
The preparatory work paves the way for continuing work: what is the survey trying to measure? This is the stage where background variables, questions and population are determined and the organisational chart is designed linking the employees and their managers.
Survey period
The survey will run for two weeks during January and February 2024. No individual responses will be seen by anyone at SLU, and staff are guaranteed anonymity.
Supplementary work
The staff survey is a key component of systematic work environment management and the active measures in work with equal opportunities. Working with the results is the most important element of a staff survey. The results serve as a tool for improving and developing the work environment and organisation.
Managers have a significant role in providing feedback on the results, planning action plans that are monitored continually – and involving their staff in this work. Managers have access to an online portal where the results are presented in several reports. The portal also includes an ‘Action Manager’ that provides a clear picture of the results, including measures, activities, action plans and timeframes for the activities. Comparing 2024’s results with those from 2021, 2018 and 2016 will be possible.
The Division of Human Resources conducts the staff survey on behalf of SLU management. The 2024 Staff Survey is the fourth of its kind to be conducted.
A task group works with the survey and ensures that each step is firmly established and distributed within SLU, and that it is carefully implemented as planned. There is a reference group comprising a chief safety representative, health and safety representatives and managers. Their task is to provide valuable information from the organisation.
Just as in previous years, the 2024 Staff Survey is being conducted in collaboration with Quicksearch, a company with around 20 years’ experience of staff and customer surveys. They are behind the technical implementation, analysis, compilation and presentation of the results. Thanks to Quicksearch’s previous work with other higher education institutions, including Uppsala University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers University of Technology and Karolinska Institutet, SLU will be able to compare results.
Frequently asked questions
When will the survey run?
Between 22 January and 2 February 2024.
Why is the survey being conducted?
The survey is a way for SLU to find out more about employee satisfaction at the university. The results will form a valuable guide for continuing development work and work environment management. So it is important that as many people respond as possible. We hope that you will be able to make time to prioritise the survey.
Who can respond?
All staff who, at the time of the survey:
- are working a minimum of 40% of full-time
- have been employed by SLU for the past six months
- are doctoral students funded by scholarships who have conducted active studies over the past six months
- are post docs receiving a postdoctoral scholarship and have been active over the past six months
- are, or have been on sick leave or parental leave for up to three months during the past 12 months.
Those who are on a leave of absence will not participate in the staff survey.
Can I be sure my answers are anonymous?
You are guaranteed full anonymity. All responses are sent directly to Quicksearch. Quicksearch will translate any English answers into Swedish. It will not be possible to see which employees have responded. SLU will only be able to see the response frequency. Read more about anonymity in the section about anonymity above.
Do I have to respond?
The survey is a way for you to influence your work environment, but your participation is not compulsory.
I haven’t received a link, can you send one?
All eligible participants will be emailed a unique link to the survey (see under ‘Who can respond?’). If you have not received a link, check your junk mail folder before emailing with your age, cost centre and name of your line manager.
I am having trouble logging in to the survey, what do I need to do?
Email and they will reset your password.
The name of the manager in my survey is incorrect. How can I change this?
Email with the name of the correct manager. Your line manager is the one who holds your staff development review and salary appraisal. You will receive a new email from Quicksearch.
The name of the correct manager must be entered, so do not answer any further questions until this has been corrected.
I can’t answer all the questions in one go. Can I pause the survey and resume later on?
You can exit the survey at any time and return later by clicking the link in your email. This will redirect you to where you left off.
I want to change an answer, but I have already submitted my survey. What do I need to do?
Email and they will reset the survey and send you a new link.
What will happen with the results?
Quicksearch has an online portal where managers can access the results from their department or equivalent. Support materials for work with the results are available from the portal and online. The Division of Human Resources and occupational health services will assist managers with following up on the results and planning and implementing measures.
When will I be able to see the results of the survey for my unit?
Your manager will present the results during spring 2024.
I am the health and safety representative at my department/equivalent and I would like to see our results. Where can I access them?
Talk to your manager – they can access the results for your department or equivalent in the Quicksearch portal.
I am the chief safety representative/safety representative and would like access to the Quicksearch portal. Who can grant this?
The results form materials that employers can use to examine the work environment. Some of the questions enable the identification of individual managers, and this information will be used by their manager. Therefore chief safety representatives and health and safety representatives will not have access to the Quicksearch portal.
What do the brackets in the results mean?
The results
The 2024 staff survey (only in swedish)
You can find previous staff surveys below (only in swedish):