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Forest damages

There are 73 pages tagged with Forest damages:

Fredrik Widemo

ew-red@slu.se Fredrik Widemo is an Associate professor in animal ecology and senior lecturer with extension responsibilities in Wildlife-Forest interactions. Furthermore, Fredrik Widemo is a

Sign up for two days of networking around plant protection and forest damage

Welcome to a networking symposium 2–3 October, arranged by the SLU Plant Protection Network and the SLU Forest Damage Centre for staff at SLU active in these areas. The meeting is held in Umeå. The

Networking symposium on plant protection and forest damage

katja.fedrowitz@slu.se Welcome to a networking symposium arranged by SLU Plant Protection Network and SLU Forest Damage Centre for staff at SLU active in these areas. The meeting is held in English

Elodie Le Souchu

elodie.le.souchu@slu.se Elodie Le Souchu is a postdoctoral researcher in forest entomology at the Conservation Unit of the Department of Ecology (SLU, Uppsala). She works on insect communities and

New camera technology to unveil bark beetle infested spruces at an earlier stage

With advanced drone cameras, researchers can detect European Spruce Bark Beetle infestations earlier and more accurately than ever before. With innovative new camera technology, they now aim to

It is vital to manage pathogenic fungi in forest nurseries

Increased knowledge about pathogenic fungi in nurseries can improve the measures used to protect the tree seedlings. Therefore, in her doctoral thesis, Rebecca Larsson has studied the occurrence of

Rust in forest and agriculture

Symposium and workshop: Rust fungi in forests and agriculture cajsa.lithell@slu.se Welcome to a day of talks, discussion and networking around rust diseases! Rust on a pine tree. Photo: Åke Olson

Spruce bark beetle attacks in a time of climate change

Where and when does the spruce bark beetle attack? Petter Öhrn has investigated this as well as the spruce's defense capacity in his doctoral thesis. "It is particularly important for forest owners

More and happier pathogens in warmer Nordic countries

The majority of all known pathogens to global food production will thrive and reproduce faster in a warmer climate. Such generalizations are, however, not necessarily practically useful. A new report

Collaboration - important for SLU's Forest Damage Centre, forestry sector and authorities

On 18-19 January the SLU Forest Damage Centre organised its annual meeting in Eskilstuna inviting scientist, representatives from forestry sector and authorities. Throughout the conference

PhD course: Forest damage - Monitoring and enviromental assessment

PhD course: Forest damage - Monitoring and environmental assessment theres.svensson@slu.se The next PhD student course on “Monitoring and environmental assessment” will start in March. The

Call for short-term monitoring projects in forest damage

The SLU Forest Damage Centre announces a call with focus on monitoring of forest damage. The call is for short-term monitoring projects that focus on method development and will be carried out in
