Ulf Westerlund

I work as a research coordinator at Grants Office and give support to proposals coordinated by SLU. The support spans from strategy planning, review of proposals with an ambition to clarify what funders are asking for in different calls.
I have worked at the Swedish research council Formas as an International secretary (2006-2010). At Formas, part of my work was focussed on ERA-Net-projects in order to increase the cooperation between European national research funders in dedicated areas. I also served as the Swedish National Contact Point (NCP) for two thematic areas in the seventh framework programme (1.Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology and 2. Environment incl. Climate Change).
Between 2010 and 2017 I worked at Uppsala University as a project coordinator and gave support to the researchers with the ambition to increase the funding from EU (Collaborative projects, ERC and Marie Curie). Furthermore, I served as an administrative coordinator in one large scale FP7 project (Biodesign) and project leader for two Innovation project (EIT Innoenergy).
Some general tools on the SLUs staff Web:
Support for coordinated research applications
External funding guidelines
Project calculator
SLU facts
Seed money
Horizon Europe SLU-PIC 999887350