Antoine Vernay
I am a plant community biologist. My main interest is to link ecological response of plant to abiotic and biotc variation in a community with ecophysiological processes. How resources, environmental conditions alter plant function and the trait associated to their ecological strategy is a kind of broad questions I address. Then I look at how plants respond in a community to propose a mechanistic explanation of community functioning.
In SLU, I focus on gross primary production (GPP) of boreal forest. In Scots pines forest, I use sapflux data and stable carbon isotope to calculate water use efficiency and infer GPP. this approach aims to bring a way to check for eddy-covariance measurements and provide an efficient method applicable where eddy-variance is not. I carry out the same method in a mixed forest. It would allow us to partition the GPP flux into the different species (birch, Scots pine, Norway Spruce).
I previously worked on several projects:
- recovery of temperate grassland after severe drought, with a focus on root functional traits (INRA-UREP, Fr)
- the role of resource availability on biotic interactions between oak seedlings and Poacea (INRA/UCA-PIAF, Fr)
- plant gas exchanges in weightlessness (Institut Pascal-CNRS, Fr)
Selected publications
Antoine Vernay, Philippe Balandier, Ludivine Guinard, Thierry Améglio, et Philippe Malagoli. « Photosynthesis capacity of Quercus petraea (Matt.) saplings is affected by Molinia caerulea (L.) under high irradiance ». Forest Ecology and Management 376 (2016): 107‑17.
Lucie Poulet, Antoine Vernay, Benjamin Dalmas, Mathilde Vernay, Thomas Sinn, et Pauline Delpeuch. « A Learning Method Based on a Mission to Mars for Primary School Children ». Adelaïde, Australia, 2017.
Antoine Vernay, Philippe Malagoli, Marine Fernandez, Thomas Perot, Thierry Améglio, et Philippe Balandier. « Carry-over benefit of high internal N pool on growth and function of oak seedlings (Quercus petraea) competing with Deschampsia cespitosa ». Forest Ecology and Management 419–420 (1 juillet 2018): 130‑38.
Antoine Vernay, Philippe Malagoli, Marine Fernandez, Thomas Perot, Thierry Améglio, et Philippe Balandier. « Improved Deschampsia cespitosa growth by nitrogen fertilization jeopardizes Quercus petraea regeneration through intensification of competition ». Basic and Applied Ecology 31 (1 septembre 2018): 21‑32.