Ana Villa Solis
My current research deals with modelling of agroecosystems in a changing climate and the role of spatial resolution of input data for simulated variables at field and regional scale. I am especially interested on the effect of extreme events, such as drought, on annual simulated yield, nitrogen leaching and water drainage. I will study the effect of drought under different climate change scenarios and in two different regions with different climate (i.e. Mediterranean arid climate and temperate climate)
My research interests include:
- Aggregation effect of input soil and climate data on simulated variables such as yield, water drainage and nitrogen leaching
- Drought and climate change impact and risk assessment
- High-temporal resolution monitoring in streams using in-situ sensors
- Identification of soils and areas vulnerable to soil erosion and losses of phosphorus from arable land
2017. Postdoctoral researcher. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Soil and Environment. Uppsala, Sweden
2015. Researcher. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Soil and Environment. Uppsala, Sweden
2014. Ph.D. Environmental Assessment. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment. Uppsala, Sweden.
2008. MSc in Civil Engineering in “Applied Environmental Measurement Techniques”, Chalmers University of Technology. Gothenburg, Sweden
2005. Bsc in Chemistry, University Autónoma of Madrid. Madrid, Spain.
Selected publications
Constantin J. et al. 2019. Management and spatial resolution effects on yield and water balance at regional scale in crop models. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology 275: 184-195. Free download until 19 July 2019 here.
Maharjan R. G. et al, 2018. Effects of input data aggregation on simulating crop yields in temperate and Mediterranean climates. European Journal of Agronomy 103: 32-46.
Villa, A., F. Djodjic, L. Bergström, and K. Kyllmar. 2015. Screening risk areas for sediment and phosphorus losses to improve placement of mitigation measures. AMBIO 44: 612-623.
Bergström, L., Kirchmann, H., Djodjic, F., Ulén, B., Kyllmar, K., Andersson, H., Aronsson, H., Börjesson, G., Kynkäänniemi, P., Liu, J., Svanbäck, A., Villa, A. 2015. Turnover and losses of phosphorus in Swedish agricultural soils – long-term changes, leaching trends and mitigations measures. Journal of Environmental Quality 2015:44: 512-523.
Djodjic, F. and Villa, A. 2015. Distributed, high-resolution modelling of critical source areas for erosion and phosphorus losses. AMBIO 44:241-251.
Villa, A., F. Djodjic, and L. Bergström. 2014. Soil dispersion tests combined with topographical information can describe field-scale sediment and phosphorus losses. Soil Use and Management 30:342-350.
Villa, A., F. Djodjic, L. Bergström, and M. Wallin. 2012. Assessing soil erodibility and mobilization of phosphorus from Swedish clay soils – Comparison of two simple soil dispersion methods. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science 62: Supplement 2, 260-269.