Albin Larsson Ekström
My research focuses on the ecology of deadwood-associated species communities in relation to ecological restoration. My main interests revolve around biodiversity patterns and community ecology in a wide sense.
In one of my experiments I investigate how variable retention felling, prescribed burning and deadwood creation affects deadwood dependent beetles, lichens and fungi in a pine forest experiment. I have also monitored the rare beetle, Tragosoma depsarium, in this experiment.
In another experiment I investigate the taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of saproxylic beetles in forests restored for the umbrella species, the white-backed woodpecker.
Teaching in "Sustainable Management of Boreal Forests", Msc course, 15 ECTS.
Teaching in "Forest Ecology and Conservation Biology", Bsc course, 15 ECTS.
Field teaching regarding pest insect species and species of conservation concern.
Appearing in:
Gammal i förtid - om nyttan med naturvårdande skötsel (in Swedish)
Aktiv naturvård (in Swedish)
Generell hänsyn blir viktigare och viktigare (in Swedish)
Skogens silver är guld värd (in Swedish)
Bsc thesis
Main supervisor x2
Msc thesis
Assistant supervisor x3 (ongoing)
Selected publications
Larsson Ekström, A., Djupström, L,B., Hjältén, T., Sjögren, J., Jönsson, M., Löfroth, T. (2024). Deadwood manipulation and type determine assemblage composition of saproxylic beetles and fungi after a decade. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 372,
Larsson Ekström, A., Hjältén, J., Löfroth, T. (2024).
A decadal study reveals that restoration guided by an umbrella species does not reach target levels.
Journal of Applied Ecology, Volume 61,
Larsson Ekström, A., Sjögren, J., Djupström., L.B., Thor, G., Löfroth, T. (2023).
Reinventory of permanent plots show that kelo lichens face an extinction debt.
Biological Conservation, Volume 288,
Larsson Ekström, A., Bergmark, P., Hekkala, A.-M. (2021). Can multifunctional forest landscapes sustain a high diversity of saproxylic beetles?. Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 490,