6 Sep

Lennart Kennes room Biocentrum and zoom, Uppsala

Conversion of lignocellulose and crude glycerol to lipids by oleaginous yeasts - physiology and diversity.

dissertations |

Mikolaj Chmielarz defends his thesis "Conversion of lignocellulose and crude glycerol to lipids by oleaginous yeasts - physiology and diversity" on 06 September 2021

All interested are welcome to take part in the public defense online


Link to thesis: https://pub.epsilon.slu.se/24912/
Author / Respondent: MSc Mikolaj Chmielarz
External reviewer / Opponent: Docent Peter Richard, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, tekniikantie 21 Esbo, Otnäs, Finland
Time: 2021-09-06 13:00
City: Uppsala
Location: Lennart Kennes room Biocentrum and zoom
Organiser: Department of Molecular Sciences
Additional info:


Pls contact Volkmar.Passoth@slu.se for online adress and login information to the public defense
